not tyres, of course not!!!

Submitted: Friday, Jul 04, 2003 at 10:00
ThreadID: 5806 Views:2268 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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Morning all. Just back in Melbourne briefly for some running repairs halfway through the 'Great Trip', and decided the tyres will need changing if I'm to have another 6 months of incident free driving. Whilst up north I met a few people who, after becoming frustrated with puncture after puncture, had put on Hancook Z59 and couldn't talk them up enough. If it was just one incident then I would have put it with all the other useful sometimes useless information, but this happened on several occassions.

Question. Are they any good? How much are they(standard 235/70-16)? Where do you get them down here? and finally why, if I'd never heard of them before would I encounter a number of separate stories/incidents?

Thanks if you can contribute to some or all of these questions and if you can't......thanks for having a read anyway.

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Reply By: GOB member vic - Friday, Jul 04, 2003 at 21:26

Friday, Jul 04, 2003 at 21:26
good day knackers
i have run hankook on my gq 2 sets 1st set about 80k 2nd set still going just traded in for new 4.2td and when these tyres wear out its back to hankook at,s .in 2 sets only 1 punture and that was running over empty stubby on side of road while taking photos outside hermannsberg . we covered abit of off road ks as well as highway
to find out where to get them from contact hankook in nottinghill and they will give you the dealers in your area or try diamond i dont know if he deals in tryes or not its arrived just got to get photo and download
only 35 sleeps to go then off nth to darwin yeah
AnswerID: 24234

Reply By: crowie - Sunday, Jul 06, 2003 at 12:03

Sunday, Jul 06, 2003 at 12:03

I know Jax Transtate tyre Service sell Hankooks if you got one in your area. They quoted me $170 for Hankook RA03 AT's in 265/70/R16 so their considerable cheaper than some of the competition. I was seriously considering them but decided to go for 265/75/R16 instead and they didn't have any in that size.
AnswerID: 24314

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