Prodigy vs Voyager

Submitted: Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 09:22
ThreadID: 58208 Views:2020 Replies:4 FollowUps:0
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Currently have a Tekonsha Voyager unit on the brakes and while it works reasonably well most of the time I am finding that it tends to become severe when the brakes are applied several times in sucession eg when approaching lights. Annoying part is that it does not do it every time.
Have tried adjusting up and down etc but no real difference so was wondering about changing to a Prodigy.
I am lead to believe that the Voyager is the 'cheapie' and the Prodigy is the real McCoy.
Any comments or suggestions?

Kevin J
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Reply By: smifffy - Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 09:33

Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 09:33
kevin j,

mate i have only ever had prodigy on my past 3 patrols, i cant speek highly enough of them!
i tow in extreme off road conditions with a 940kg dry weight dual axle off road custom bike trailer usually with 3 to 5 dirt bikes on it. have always towed trailer without a drama. it has 4 weel elect brakes.

cant speak for other unit but thumbs up for the prodigy i say!

all the best,
AnswerID: 306895

Reply By: MEMBER - Darian (SA) - Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 09:52

Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 09:52
True that the Prodigy is Tekonsha's premium product (mine has been excellent) but there are other factors involved in the performance of electric brakes - condition of parts, adjustment of shoes etc. and electrical connections - and inconsistent performance is common IME - temperatures, dust, moisture etc all seem to affect efficiency on mine, but even if a bit soft or 'grabby' at times, they are still working.
AnswerID: 306899

Reply By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 11:19

Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 11:19
I agree Prodigy is the best unit by far. Works in all sorts of funny angles where others may not. Is infinitely adjustable as to settings etc. If I set it corerctly dont even notice the van when stopping. Set it too hard and it will lock the van wheels no trouble.
IS easy to set up and will mount in any position up to 70deg off hoizontal.
Available at a reasonable price off EBAY or off one of our advertisers on here
AnswerID: 306917

Reply By: Gazal Champion - Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 18:54

Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 18:54
Hi Kevin,

I also have a prodigy fitted to landy and working 2tonne van.
This unit is brilliant and as others have said you dont feel tha van braking when it is set up right. As your problem seem to be intermittent I would look to the earth connection between car and towed vehicle if I were you. All the other comments are very relevant as well. Thats about as much as I can add.
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AnswerID: 306998

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