cruiser seat

Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 20:39
ThreadID: 58347 Views:1589 Replies:5 FollowUps:1
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can any1 tell me.i hav a 79 serious cruiser an as every1 knows who has 1 the seats suck after sitting in them for i also have a 90 serious prado 4the cook ani find the seats in that great.
will the prado seats fit in a cruiser.if not any recommendations please
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Reply By: Rob Rascal - Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 20:52

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 20:52
Big hammer.
AnswerID: 307592

Reply By: Member - Mfewster(SA) - Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 20:53

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 20:53
I have put a similar answer to this up several times and noone has commented. Not sure whether this is because noonew believes it or they think the appoach is c##p.
We have a 60 series with the split bench seat. We put sheepskin covers on (cheap ones). Got a piece of eggcrate upholstery foam (the green stuff) from Clark rubber and put it on the seat under the sheepskin. Got one of the shaped back supports from supercheap and slid that behind the sheepskin on the backrest. Not a recaro, but it has transformed driving in the 60series. As well as the extra softness, you get a lot more support. You sink down a bit into the foam and the wings on the back support give surprising grip when cornering or bouncing over rough stuff. All up cost, about $100. If you have seat covers, try just oneside before deciding to lash out on two.
AnswerID: 307595

Reply By: traveln - Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 21:23

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 21:23
ok thanks 4the info mate.the seats r good its just the back rest doestn sit straight up nuff 4me on the long trips.
just looks like it mite b trile by error
AnswerID: 307602

Reply By: Member - Phillip S (WA) - Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 22:39

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2008 at 22:39
I just took mine out and finished installing two 97 holden commodore bucket seats in there the seats for $100 each...fixings, steel angle and flat bar and high tensile bolts all come to less that $ $350...look and feel great.
The commodore was a gift to a young bloke from his dad who cherished it for years, however the kid only has it a few nights when he and his mates decided that the front and rear needed rearranging...CRASH....I was lucky enough to see it at the wreckers the next day and I got the seats.
AnswerID: 307631

Reply By: trouper - Wednesday, Jun 04, 2008 at 15:59

Wednesday, Jun 04, 2008 at 15:59

G'day, I have a 78 series LC (troopie 1999 model) and yes I have those horrible 3/4 bench seat that I've put up with for 5 years until 3 months ago. This is what i did ......After measuring the location of the anchor points for the 3/4 seat it was off to the wreckers to find a seat that was suitable and came as close as possible to the existing anchor points. well after much frustration and determination I found one with dimensions that was reasonably close.( I didnt want to go drilling extra holes especially as one is over the 2nd fuel tank and I certainly didnot want to remove the tank.) $80 later it was home to Make the seat fit. This I did by extending seat brackets with appropriate metal and high tensile bolts. Now it took about 10 hours of measuring cutting and MIG welding over a few days but at last it fitted ok and anchored to my satisfaction. New set of seat covers BEAUTIFUL..... wife loves it, now it a matter of a engineers certificte. But of course I can still refit the old 3/4 seat if needed
Hope this helps. There is no simple solution unless you have about $990 to purchase from toyota a late model RV model 78/79 series seat which I believe will fit straight in without modifcation

REgards and good luck

PS. Would I do it again?? bloody oath I would.
AnswerID: 307727

Follow Up By: traveln - Wednesday, Jun 04, 2008 at 18:55

Wednesday, Jun 04, 2008 at 18:55
thanks 4the info mate.worse thing bout wat u said bout goin2 toyota seats the rv is that is wat i wanna replace.i find the back rest doesnt sit straight up nuff on long trips an lay bak bit 2much.thanks again mate an hav fun
FollowupID: 573583

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