Tone Squelch Question

Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:09
ThreadID: 58602 Views:3501 Replies:4 FollowUps:5
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Hiya Guys and Gals

The question i have is that when in this mode does (because of encryption) it reduce the distance (range) severely...

While in the Noojee Forest i found when it was turned off the Radios worked great,Put Tone Squelch on and trouble like,the other party did not pick up my call etc etc,Now i know it worked because i tried it at about 20-40 metres,But when i was about 300metres behind the other vehicle there were issues...Because these Icom Radio's are new to me could the setup be wrong,I thought it either works or it doesn't ????..

Another question is am i better just setting up Sellcall instead,Although this is new to me also ???

I must say all the Motorbikes in this area where polite and courteous..The radios were great to warn the other vehicle of oncoming and motorbikes behind and track conditions...

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Reply By: Member - Alan H (QLD) - Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:17

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:17
Usually adjust squelch by turning it up to make a of static and then turn it back till it just disappears.

Too much squelch will cut out reception.

Actually did not think that Icom have a squelch knob anyway.

AnswerID: 309026

Follow Up By: Member - Warfer (VIC) - Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:25

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:25
Hi Al

Your Rig pictures under your profile are not coming up either (enlarge)

FollowupID: 575063

Reply By: Member - Warfer (VIC) - Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:23

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 16:23
See ive got it wrong already,Its under the Tone Squelch Operation in my manual,I meant the CTCSS tone frequency/DTCS Code..

Your right Alan No tone squelch nob on Icom.

AnswerID: 309028

Follow Up By: Member - Olcoolone (S.A) - Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 18:37

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2008 at 18:37
Tone squelch and CTCSS are the same thing.

If you enable tone squelch on your radio you will not be able to hear anyone else....but they will be able to hear you.

The idea of tone squelch is if your having a conversation with another person and both of you's have tone squelch enabled and set to the same sub audible frequency you and the other person you are talking to will not be able to hear anybody else unless they can enable there radio and set the sub audible frequency that you's are using.

It does not stop other people who have not got it enabled to hear you.

A lot of commercial repeaters and radios us it where there are multi users on a single will not a low everyone to talk at one.

And I am strongly against people using tone squelch systems on UHF CB.
FollowupID: 575094

Reply By: Member - Warfer (VIC) - Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 at 19:03

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 at 19:03
And I am strongly against people using tone squelch systems on UHF CB.

Hiya Olcoolone

Thanks for your explanation,I went to Icom and had reciever tested etc etc..Now my Digits were out on one handset..

Now could you please explain why you are against it ???????

Would Sellcall be better ?????

Cheers Bud
AnswerID: 309300

Follow Up By: Member - Olcoolone (S.A) - Friday, Jun 13, 2008 at 14:18

Friday, Jun 13, 2008 at 14:18
The reason i don't like tone squelch on UHF CB is because if two people are talking to each other who have tone squelch enabled and another person needs to get in contact with them for an emergency they will not be able to hear them.

Example 1:-
Two people are traveling in convoy using UHF with tone squelch turned on and the person at the back has a problem with his car/caravan...lets say a wheel on his caravan is wobbling and I'm going the other way and I see he has a problem that he has not picked up on, so I jump on the UHF and find their using channel 18....really strong signal....... so I put out a call to warn them and no reply, try again no reply.... perhaps their ignoring me....oh well their bad luck.
I get home that night watch the TV news and find a caravaner has been killed...I see the picture and guess what it's the same caravan I was trying to day read in the paper about it and find out a wheel on the caravan had come off causing the fatal....

Example 2:-
I'm the one towing the caravan with the wobbly wheel...having a wow of a time looking forward to the two week trip with our good life long friends with their caravan in front of us......joking on the UHF....round a bend....and all I can see is a big white light, a guy with wing and a set of gates.

Example 3:-
I'm out bush walking by my self...took the UHF handheld for a bit of safety and I have a fall and break a leg...I grab the UHF and find some people on channel 28 who are close by...I put out an emergency call and no reply..I try for another 4 hours until the battery goes flat.....two days later a search party find me in a bad way......the people on channel 28 had tone squelch turned on so nobody would disturb the friendly conversation.

Thats why I against tone squelch systems on UHF CB.

Selcall works a bit different, you can have you radio receiving everyone and your mate gives you a can't hear him due to to many other people using the he selcalls you and your radio detects the selcall and alerts you that your friend is calling you or you can have the radio squelched so it will only receive when it receives a known selcall.

Selcall is an alert system notifying you that someone is trying to call you when you are away from the radio, volume turned down or squelch turned up.

Selcall does not do anything once you are talking, tone squelch send a sub audible tone when you talk enabling the other radio allowing him to hear you......It should be called selective hearing not tone squelch.

Regards Richard
FollowupID: 575633

Follow Up By: Member - Olcoolone (S.A) - Friday, Jun 13, 2008 at 14:21

Friday, Jun 13, 2008 at 14:21
OOPS! "The reason i don't like tone squelch on UHF CB is because if two people are talking to each other who have tone squelch enabled and another person needs to get in contact with them for an emergency they will not be able to hear them."

Should of read..
"The reason i don't like tone squelch on UHF CB is because if two people are talking to each other who have tone squelch enabled and another person needs to get in contact with them for an emergency they will not be able to hear the person who is trying to contact them."

FollowupID: 575634

Reply By: Robin Miller - Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 at 20:52

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 at 20:52
CTCSS is a mixed blessing Warfer.

I never buy a radio without it , and in practise it helps avoid a lot of rubbish on UHF cb that sometimes makes it otherwise unusable.

Of course it can mean that you transmit when other people are talking , but as a heavy user of this feature we find the compromizes acceptable.

Apart from simply having the wrong tone frequency set on different radios there can be technical problems that cause the issue like you have reffered to.

What happens is that the frequenices are not quite right , and the number of cycles required to hold open the squelch on the other radio are not sufficent when the signal goes thru a normal multipath fade. There other subtle radio things that make the signal hard to decode but thats enough technical stuff.

Two weeks ago I returned a brand new uniden to the suppliers of behalf of someone else. They know about these things and simply posted out another new radio in its place as its to hard to fix economically.

I suspect the new one isn't much better either.

Robin Miller

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AnswerID: 309354

Follow Up By: Member - Warfer (VIC) - Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 at 23:29

Wednesday, Jun 11, 2008 at 23:29
Thanks Robin,Will call you soon !

FollowupID: 575394

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