4.2TD GU Nissan Patrol Wagon
Submitted: Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 09:31
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This is probably a broad question to ask but here goes:
Does anybody have a list of recall items or warranty related items that apply to GU Patrols particularly the 4.2 turbo diesel.
Mine is about to come off warranty and I want to make sure everything that needs to be done has been done. also will be a good way to keep the bloody Nissan dealer honest!
Reply By: Michael - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 11:08
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 11:08
Hi Russell, MY last Patrol GU 4.2 td, May 1999 build was great, the only problem was great, the only problem just out of warranty was the front hub covers. They both had cracks radiating from the six bolt holes. Take the plastic cover off and
check the hub cover, i think they are cast aluminium. They cost $500 each, they come with the manual locking mechanism, probably why they are so expensive. The dealer said i wont have any trouble with these ones, obviously a problem from new and upgraded them when they had a few problems. It feels good to have to pay twice for their crap R&D.
Check them carefully. hope this helps, Michael
Follow Up By: Michael - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 11:10
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 11:10
sorry about the typos Michael
Follow Up By: Martyn (WA) - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 14:48
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 14:48
If this thing with the hubs is a problem convert the auto hubs to manuals, they are cheaper and more reliable, yes you do have to get out to engage them but it's worth it. The manual hubs bolt straight on, as far as I' aware. Keep the shiny side up
Follow Up By: Michael - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 17:19
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 17:19
Hi Martyn, if the things are cracked, he can get them fixed for nothing. why would you want to go back to the dark ages. The modified ones would be better as Nissan dont want warranty claims as much as we dont. regards Michael
Follow Up By: Martyn (WA) - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:11
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:11
I take your point, anything free is good all in favour of that one. All I wanted was to suggest an option my mates GU is out of warranty and since then he's replaced the auto hubs twice, once the hubs were replaced by the a non Nissan service centre after a service and assembled incorrectly , these were replaced free the second set went walkabout whilst he was working on his
farm. The second failure happened after a long desent with the auto hubs in auto rather than locked manual. He's now gone back to manual hubs. Just an an observation. I suppose I come from the "dark ages" relatively speaking where things where a bit more manual and in some cases "simple", when I'm roughing it give me simple any time, call me old fashioned. Keep the shiny side up
Follow Up By: tristjo - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 20:42
Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 20:42
I would have to agree with you mate. Why use a system thats complex, and at times, unreliable, when such a reliable option exists? At least Nissan's semi auto system is simpler than most.
Give me manual hubs any day.
Reply By: bruce.h (WA) - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 11:18
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 11:18
have you thought about extending your new car warranty ,with the cost of repairs these days it may be money
well spent.as to a recall list ring nissanthey should be able to provide it
Regarsd Bruce
Reply By: Kevin - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 12:23
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 12:23
I have had my new 4.2 for about 5 weeks and the past weekend was my first opportunity to take it off road. Whilst out and about the clutch started slipping on steep acents, and as I had come down some pretty steep grades to get where I was I had concerns about getting out. Anyway I high tailed out and in the process cooked the Clutch. I spoke to Nissan today and they said they would look at it ,however I know what these companies are like when trying to claim clutches they usually blame driver technique which I am sure is case is some instances. My previous GU had no problems in this area and went over the Simpson fully loaded and up the cape pulling a camper trailer and didn't even whimper about it.
So maybe it might be worth while to get it checked out!
Follow Up By: Geoff - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 19:10
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 19:10
Nissan replaced the clutch in my 2000 Gu 4.2td at 56,000 km and 2 yrs 11 mths. It was slipping under load at 2000 rpm in 4th gear. Their first response (before looking at it) was "we don't replace clutches over 10,000km old". As they could find NO
sign of abuse or wear they had to came to the party. It can be done.
I got them to replace the original clutch with a Daikin HD unit (roughly same price as Nissan unit), which has done about 10,000km without problem.
Good luck
Follow Up By: Kevin - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:59
Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:59
My vehicle has not yet done 10 000 km however as the dealer cannot see it until next week it maybe over by a couple of hundred Ks. As they have not yet seen it or denied that it is a problem I will reserve my judgment. However I am expecting them to try to get out of it as I have heard that with clutch problem they usually try to blame the operators technique.
Reply By: Hedonist - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 12:23
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 12:23
You can
check product recalls at Recalls Australia- although the manufacturer must rectify these regardless of warranty status.
Reply By: EvIlBoYsPaWnEd - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 12:43
Reply By: peck - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 20:24
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 20:24
I have a 2000 4.2 turbo diesel cab/chassis (fully coil sprung) and have had nothing but problems.
1. 45000km no. plate brackets on bullbar fatigued and whine begun in transmission 5th gear at about 90-100 k/h.
2. 50000 km r/h locking hub very tight to operate, supposedly fixed at service, also no. plate bracket on bullbar fatigues off again as
well as winch knockout falling out.
3. 65000 km r/h locking hub breaks, but service people dismantle entire front diff. looking for problem.
4. Driving
home from picking vehicle up from above service one of 4 bolts holding front diff. to leading arms falls out. Service people deny undoing.
5. 70000 km Whilst inspecting vehicle before leaving on trip noticed rear spring tower on lhs tearing off (large cracks in chassis rail). Nissan deny liability claiming vehicle overloaded. Some truth as have fitted polyair
suspension aids to rear coils.
6. 71000 km and 2nd day of holidays 5th gear dissappears. Common problem with this model (manufacturing fault).
Vehicle is now only a matter of 3 mths before warranty runs out. If I had my time over this is one vehicle I would not touch. Go for a toyo!
Follow Up By: peck - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 20:29
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 20:29
Oh I almost forgot. The rims have a fatigue problem as
well. Telstra had all their wheels replaced on this model. Have you noticed the different hole size on the rims of the current models? So far
mine are OK.
Follow Up By: tristjo - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 20:51
Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 20:51
Geez mate, you've had a run of bad luck. Never heard of most of these problems, but they all sound related to overloading.
Every thing has it's braking point.
And as for swithcing to as Tojo,
well. I used to think that the were the bees knees, but have I learnt a few lessons!!! More horror stories than I care to remember!!
In the day's of mass produed vehicles, there's bound to be a bad apple or too, whoever the manufacturer.
Tried both, and the Nissans have proven to be the best by far, but everybody's different.
Reply By: Mick - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:47
Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:47
Thanks all of the above for that info. I always drive Toyotas and I don't think I'll be changing!! I had always regarded the Patrol as a good sturdy vehicle albeit a generation behind the Cruiser but having read of so many faults I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm lucky but I've had a Pajero which I sold at 330,000km and only replaced the clutch at 270,000. I've had 3 Toyotas and have had absolutely nothing but handbook
services done to all of them.
Follow Up By: Kevin - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:53
Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:53
Even though I have had troubles with the new one the old one never missed a beat. I think value for money it is hard to go past the Nissan as I have heard of similar problems with the Tojo. The problem is the follow up when something does go wrong and usually the denial that it is a problem as they usually try to blame the operator of the vehicle.