Portable Rescue Tree

Submitted: Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:16
ThreadID: 6366 Views:8412 Replies:7 FollowUps:5
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Hi All
I recently came across a product called a Portable Rescue Tree (PRT)
distributed by ARB.
Basicly a portable winch anchor point.
Question is has anybody had any experience with this or any other simmilar product, does it work as described in all ground conditions.

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Reply By: Slammin - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:29

Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:29
Haven't seen it but I bet 3 star pickets or a buried tyre is cheaper!
AnswerID: 26801

Reply By: Glenno - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:58

Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 22:58
I think ARB wanted $400 for one. I decided to hedge my bets and purchased a 30 metre winch extension strap instead. Considering the number of trees in Australia; if i cant join two snatch straps, 30metre winch extension strap, 10M of chain from my hand winch and find a tree i would be really out of luck.

And if im on a beach i have a big shovel to dig a big hole for one of the spares.

AnswerID: 26808

Follow Up By: Glenno - Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 23:00

Monday, Aug 04, 2003 at 23:00
Should have said, while that doesnt answer your question, it possibly gives you an alternate point of view!


FollowupID: 18351

Reply By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 17:11

Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 17:11
John Webster sells them and will give you a good price if you mention my name, Geoff Barby, he might even laugh.

He can be contacted at wdt@alphalink.com.au. PO Box 197 Mooroolbark, Vic 3138 Telephone 03 9725-5157 Mobile 0427 332 793 Fax 03 9725-5575

The PRT is a great piece of gear even on the beach and John's a great guy, and NO I don't work for him...

Go you good thingSo many places to go!
So much work to do :0(
AnswerID: 26847

Follow Up By: John - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 17:51

Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 17:51
Hi Geoff
Thanks for that, Have you tried it ?.
I am planning Simpson crossing on my own and not to many trees about out there to tie a winch cable to. So looking at alternates to cover all possible situations.
FollowupID: 18380

Follow Up By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 18:59

Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 18:59
I've seen John winch out of a sand bog with one, with the PAtrol in reverse and the wheels turning backwards still pulled it out, its a great thingSo many places to go!
So much work to do :0(
FollowupID: 18384

Reply By: Graham - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 17:38

Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 17:38
Sounds like something you could use if you were a little shy and needed to take a leak in the desert ;)
AnswerID: 26848

Reply By: Jimmy - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 18:23

Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 18:23
What about a danford boat anchor? These things dont take up much space and arent that heavy. If you dug a hole and buried the bugger it would only dig itself deeper the harder you pulled on it!
Has anybody tried it? or should I stay out of 4wding and keep fishing?
AnswerID: 26850

Reply By: Eric - Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 22:16

Tuesday, Aug 05, 2003 at 22:16
Sorry I can't answer your question, but may I mention that it is impossible to go across the simpson on your own. The large number of vehicles crossing each day will ensure that in the unlikely event that you get stuck some one will pull you out just so they can get past you. Eric.
AnswerID: 26889

Reply By: Jarrod - Wednesday, Aug 06, 2003 at 14:53

Wednesday, Aug 06, 2003 at 14:53

I bought a PRT from John Webster about 12 months ago. A fantastic piece of kit, that 2 of my workmates have seen in operation and have since also bought. Yes they seem expensive for what they are, but I tell you, in sand, mud, clay, its' worth its weight in gold. Ask yourself - have you ever REALLY had to bury your spare ?? have you really ever had to rely on 3 star pickets ? Its hard bloody work, and doesn't work 9 times out of 10 in sand. The PRT just goes straight in, then down. The more you pull, the harder/deeper this thing goes. Tested on the beach it buried itself to the top of the handle, and came out with an easy pull. A couple of things I have found - It only works in snow if you first clear the snow and have the PRT bitting into the ground, for hard ground you need to dig a hole about a foot deep ( better then 5 foot to bury a spare!!)and 2nd, its heaps easier if there are two people during the recovery. one to operate the winch, the second to hold/guide the PRT only as it starts to bite in. - Once it starts to dig in, number two stands well clear as in all winching operations. If you were by yourself, you would need to dig a "starting Hole"of about 6 inches. to get the thing going, (its just that it would fall over or not angle in right if just left by itself.) The prt folds up to about the size of a briefcase and weighs about 20 K i think. Easy to use, sets up in seconds and rated to 12000lb. Bloody cheap/fast insurance when the tide's coming in in my book. John Webster from Websters driver training is where I got mine, Never done a course with him, Dont know him from a bar of soap, just that he was the Vic Distributer at the time.

hope this helps


P.S., Im pulling on it with a 12000lb warn on the front of my 2001 deisel 100 series.
AnswerID: 26943

Follow Up By: John - Wednesday, Aug 06, 2003 at 19:20

Wednesday, Aug 06, 2003 at 19:20
Many thanks for your reply.

I agree I have no illusions about the effort required to dig a hole deep enough for a spare etc especially in the middle of the Simpson at 40 plus degrees. No fun in my book.
I also am interested in being as self sufficient when in the outback etc as i would not like to call for assistance unless it was as a complete last resort.
You are the second to recomend getting it from John Webster (Ref Bonz) he obviously did you a good deal.
I have got a 78 series Troopy and was fitting a 12000lb Warn also so your info in regards to your 100 series is useful from a weight comparison as both would be simmilar.

Once again many thanks to all who have replied all comment is most welcome.
FollowupID: 18494

Follow Up By: Member - Bonz (Vic) - Wednesday, Aug 06, 2003 at 20:33

Wednesday, Aug 06, 2003 at 20:33
I have done a course or two and thats wher I met him, great guy, wealth of experience, and does a good deal on 4x4 gear
So many places to go!
So much work to do :0(
FollowupID: 18502

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