Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 00:33
Can't help with the picy, I don't have a digital camera. Securing the rack is (as I've recently noticed on TJM roofracks) relatively simply. I used a length of 50 x 6 ali flat bar and profiled the curve of the inside gutter using a electric planner. Now, before you fall of your chair, it doesn't damage the planner at all. Aliminium is softer than some hard woods.
I used the same size flat bar to T off the rail to the rack which is 2m log,1200 wide and 150mm deep. The front of the rack is angled back at 45 degrees, but should have been a sharper angle, it just looks a little blunt. The floor bearers are about 350mm apart.
There are a number of ways to anchor the rack to the gutter. I used 2 bits of 20mm angle S/S welded together to clamp over the rail and provide a surface to put a bolt through with another piece of angle welded to it to grab under the gutter. The clamp idea is shaped a bit like this (TL) without the left side of the top of the T, the rail sits between the T and the L. I just had to grind off a bit of the excess overlap of the inside angle.
I,ve probably totally lost you with my discriptions, but thats about the best I can describe it to you in words. Iff you want I can do a drawing of the clamp and rack, scan it and e-mail it to you.
Happy welding