Which map CD the best?

Submitted: Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 20:44
ThreadID: 6463 Views:2402 Replies:4 FollowUps:5
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I have a Garmin street pilot 3, it is good in the city and not so remote area, but fail to show tracks once I hit the dirt road, I am thinking about loading oziexplorer in my laptop and use it when street pilot 3 is out of action, can someone suggest which the the best map CD to buy for four wheel driving, I need the map in fine detail as possible.
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Reply By: Member - Chris (Wollongong) - Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 21:10

Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 21:10
Apparently Metroguide has much better rural mapping than City Navigator (which is what I am assuming is pre loaded on the SP3)

Metroguide will not Auto Route though
AnswerID: 27286

Reply By: Big John (QLD) - Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 22:31

Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 22:31
I have a street pilot 3 and heading to the canning next week. I have also loaded metroguide and yes it does show a lot more country tracks and streets, Canning included. I have also loaded a lot of other way point, eg all the wells on the Canning and other points of interest. I have been useing GPS's and plotters now for 13 years on both land and sea. I have found the SP3 to be easy to use and give all the information I need and not bother with a lap top. Used in conjunction with a good map which any good navigator on land or sea should do and NOT soley rely on electronic aids, you will have all the information you need.
PS. You will need to load both Metroguide and city navigator to enable auto routing and the auto Routing will only happen on City Navigator streets.

Good luck
AnswerID: 27295

Follow Up By: UB.1 - Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 23:38

Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 23:38
Hello Big John
I've recently acquired an SPIII with Metro Guide and City Navigator and would be very interested in som assistance in the following:
1. How do you load both CNA & MGA onto the one card? I have a 128MB card.
2. Are you prepared to email me your waypoints for the Canning and any other routes you think might be of interest?

Many thanks
FollowupID: 18788

Follow Up By: Big John (QLD) - Sunday, Aug 10, 2003 at 18:01

Sunday, Aug 10, 2003 at 18:01
To load both is not hard.
1. Load both CNA and MGA on your computer.
2. When you have done that you can toggle between the two.
3. Select the areas you want to down load. The areas in CNA and MGA are the same. I found it is best to select the area you want in both CNA and MGA so you can get some degree of auto routing. The computer will show you how many MB you have used. To make space on you card delete Areas you do not require, for example I have not selected the lower half of Australia for this trip and am useing only about 20MB.
4. Add any way point you wish at this stage.
5. Down load this information to your SP3. When down loading watch your down load speed, my computer kept spitting the dummy and had me stumped for about 3 hours (9 to 16k I think I used) it will take a couple of hours to down via the serial port.

Also go the the Garmin site and down load the latest software to your SP3, it's free. The main change is when you are creating a route you can go from a point "VIA" a point to your destination The SP3's being sold in Australia don't have the latest software ( at of 4 weeks ago any way).

The way points for the Canning can found on this site.
FollowupID: 18832

Follow Up By: UB.1 - Sunday, Aug 10, 2003 at 21:48

Sunday, Aug 10, 2003 at 21:48
Thanks Big John
I've just downloaded the system update 2.5 and am now hunting the ExploreOz site for the waypoints.
FollowupID: 18848

Reply By: Goran - Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 23:55

Saturday, Aug 09, 2003 at 23:55
Best map on CD is GDT or Mapsend. You have to swich to Magellan unit to run these.
AnswerID: 27308

Reply By: Allen - Sunday, Aug 10, 2003 at 10:33

Sunday, Aug 10, 2003 at 10:33
Does anyone have a spare copy of metroguide available for sell? Please e-mail me at aleung@macquarie.com.au
AnswerID: 27328

Follow Up By: BurnieM - Monday, Aug 11, 2003 at 00:02

Monday, Aug 11, 2003 at 00:02
A little Garmin mapping info

Mapsource Metroguide Australia totals 48MB and Mapsource City Navigator Australia is about 44MB(?) so you should be able to load all of both products onto a 128MB card.

You need to select all the segments that you want to load in one session and download them together.
If you are doing it via the serial data cable then you will also need an external power source for the SPIII as the load will take several hours.

Mapsource has a hierachy in the maps it displays and if you have both CNA and MGA loaded for the same area it will only display CNA.
To disable CNA, select map page,, MAPSOURCE INFO,,, select what you wait then, thenout
This may be a little off as I don't have the unit in front of me.

If you are thinking of buying a mapping GPSR and do not need turn by turn 'auto-routing' then you may wish to consider the Garmin GPSmap176 or 176C instead with Metroguide and a data card.

MGA has identical metropolitain area mapping to CNA and, as others have noted, much better rural mapping. MGA supports all the same address and POI find functions and the straight line goto is still very useful (even in the city.

A GPSmap 176/176C is also a fair bit cheaper.
FollowupID: 18861

Follow Up By: BurnieM - Monday, Aug 11, 2003 at 00:11

Monday, Aug 11, 2003 at 00:11
Bugger; the forum posting took out everything I had in pointy brackets.
What I ment to say was;
"To disable CNA, select map page, MENU, MAPSOURCE INFO, ENTER, MENU, select what you wait then ENTER, then QUIT out"

No such thing a a spare copy I am afraid; Metroguide has an unlock code (just like City Navigator) and this is what you are buying as much as the CD. Johnny Appleseed has MGA for $235
FollowupID: 18862

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