Hi everyone
I recently had an accident. I was on a bush gravel road with a friend behind me on a trail bike, on our way to a
lookout. I went around a right hand hairpin corner and their was a guy in a Ford Courier tray with a child in his passenger
seat, barrelling down at a million
miles an hour, and when he saw me he dived on the anchors, was fishtailing it and everything.
Lucky for him I was in a 4wd, I drove off the side of the road up a bit of an
embankment as far as I could, he was then sliding down the road with the brakes locked up half straight half sideways and slammed his tray into the back drivers corner of my car, missed my friend by about one foot and went about 10 metres past the hairpin corner into the bushes, so even if I wasn’t there, an accident was going to happen, if only I was there 15 seconds later, wrong place wrong time, don’t you think.
It’s funny about it, there was a friend of his driving behind him, my friend was talking to him afterwards, and apparently he was a rally photographer and what do you know, he had a really good camera on his dash, funny coincidence there hey.
This guy doesn’t even have third party insurance, quotes I’ve got say about $3500 for
mine and his tray is seriously bent and damaged, I don’t know how much that would cost. He said that he couldn’t get it out of gear, one thing that makes me wonder, if he really couldn’t get it out of gear, before he’d go sideways into other cars, nearly run over people and run off the road, I would’ve thought that he’d put the clutch in, slow down and sort out what’s going on, do you think so? Even if he couldn’t get it out of gear, he was going twice the speed he should’ve been for a road like this. Do you think he was hooning or something and making up an excuse?
Let’s just say I’m sorry that I didn’t get this on video, it would be perfect to show people who think 4wd’s are dangerous, if I were in a 2wd, I couldn’t have driven off the road and there’d be 10 times the damages and 10 times the chance of injuries / death and a child was in his car, and it didn’t help when we were in the middle of the bush.
A lot of people are worried that if he takes it to court, the judge will make it a 50 50, because apparently the judges say that if you’re on an unsealed road, you’ve got to drive at a speed and in a way where you know nothing will go wrong. Do you think this might happen?
After I’ve told people that he doesn’t have insurance, so many people think that it should be compulsory to have at least third party insurance, because if you can’t afford third party, you couldn’t afford the cost of a serious accident if you had one, what do you think?
I’ve also got a tough choice, I’ve got RACV comprehensive, do I get my insurance company to handle it and get the money of him because he’ll be more scared to mess around with the insurance company than mess around with me, or do I handle it myself where I won’t end up with a worse driving history with my insurance company. Will I even end up with a worse record with my insurance when it wasn’t my fault?