Wednesday, Jan 14, 2009 at 09:57
Because the problem is when it is warm, that will rule out the glow plugs as they won't activate if the motor is warm anyway.
I had a problem with my old 80 series petrol with the injectors. This was because I had it on LPG and didn't run it on petrol at all for 9 mths.
The LPG bloke said that any impurities in the fuel will sit at the injector and over time will partially block the injectors.
I'm guessing that because the troopie was sitting for 6 mths you may have the same prob.
I virtually rectified
mine by putting a bottle of injector cleaner into an almost empty tank so the concentration would be stronger and ran the motor on petrol for about 1 minute per week. After about 2 weeks the prob virtually rectified itself.
Before you get the injectors pulled out (probably due to be serviced anyway) put a couple of bottles (2 x tanks) of injector cleaner thru it an go for a good run, including a long
hill at 3500rpm in 3rd gear and see if that fixes it.
You WILL get more than 70,000 km out of the old girl.
You may have to have the top seal replaced in the pump (if not already done) to stop the low sulpher diesel from making it leak.