VE Commodore setup for towing?
Submitted: Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 at 20:27
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G'Day All,
As Ive just bought a new VE Commodore and havnt towed with a
sedan for a very long time (Have used 4wd's for years) I thought I had better ask here weather anybody here has/is towing with a VE?
Im towing a '96 Jayco Pelican , from memory its weight is around the 800kg mark, but of course with that huge storage bin at the front (instead of a bed) Im guessing it would be more around the 1,000kg including the full
water tank.......
But the biggest issue is that its bloody front end heavy or ball weight is high, so of course I will need to buy swaybars which I will need to buy via Holden so not to void my warranty etc.
Can anybody tell what else if anything I may need? To be fair I havent had a chance to drag the van out and just see what it looks like on the back of the I plan to do it this weekend to see what the arse end of the VE does......
We dont get out much anymore due to my new job, but want to get out there when I can.......
Oh Ive got the whole elec brake thing sorted.....
Regards & Thanks
Reply By: Wherehegon - Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 at 22:33
Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 at 22:33
The only other thing you might need are some airshocks/bags to hold the a r s e end up. If its anything like our old vx was. Also by raising the back end back to standard height with the bags or shocks it stops the inside of the rear tyres scrubbing out like they do due to the IRS. Will tow no problems, Also might suggest a tranny cooler to keep the temp down iin the auto box, not sure if they are standard or not on the VE's ?? but would be worth it if not one fitted, other then that sounds like you are fairly
well set up. When we bought our commodore we had the choice of 3 rated bars, 1200,1600 and 2100, we went the 1600 for towing our ski boat, but if you havnt yet fitted the bar you can buy and fit yourself very easy no holes required etc. I didnt see the point in paying for the 2100 bar when the vehicle only weighs around the 1600 mark and with the 2100 bar you are supplied with bracing for inside the rear quarters, to me thats telling you somthing if they need extra bracing ??? WHG
Reply By: Best Off Road - Friday, Jan 16, 2009 at 06:58
Friday, Jan 16, 2009 at 06:58
A mate has a Swan and used to tow it with a VY. The arse of the car almost dragged on the ground.
Like WHG said, some airbags may help.
Definitely get a Weight Distributing Hitch as a start (not sure if that was what you were referring to as sway bars).
Reply By: amshaw - Sunday, Jan 18, 2009 at 20:30
Sunday, Jan 18, 2009 at 20:30
Thanks for the tips bloke's.
I hooked up the brake controller today and took the VE for a drive with the jayco in tow. I measured the VE rear end before I put the van on, the van dropped the rear of the VE by 50mm, which isnt as bad as I thought it would be, when Ive got all the gear we use for either powerd site or unpowerd sites , we usally only carry the stuff we need for the trip as we do both caravan and
bush camping.
I measured the bottom part of the rim ie near the bottom of the tyre, then upto the bottom of the wheel arch, @ 660mm, when fully loaded van put on it fell to 610mm.
I took it for a drive to ajust the elec brakes and was happy on how it towed etc, but weight dist kit/sway bars will help alot.
Just one thing re Holden tow bars,
mine is a 1600kg, but in the 2100kg kit the tow bar is the same bar as the 1600, the only differance is the 2100kg kit comes with the weight dist kit aswell, I work in a Holden dealership and double checked the part numbers and its the same bar.......
Years ago I had a VR SS and it had a HD tow pack and it had the braceing but the VE do not, I know this because I sold a near new VE Calais a few weeks ago and they wanted a heavy duty tow kit (2100kg) as part of the deal etc...
I guess it comes down to if I can justify spending the $ for air bags or air shocks as at the moment we might get away 2-3 times a year because of the new job, not through trying anyway....
Regards & Thanks