Wednesday, Jan 21, 2009 at 02:16
G'day Willie - been a long time eh.
Mate, it was a happy place around 1975 when we were building flush dunnies there, and rocks mysteriously screwed pipes. So jack-hammer the whole scheebang out, and try again. (I left, eh. gutless wonder.)
Teachers came back from holidays to a mix of tongues cut from their shoes to meat left on their beds. At the same time that insane Physics professor(Harry Messell, perchance) had his "Crocodylis" unit operating on the edge of town.
Strewth Willie - yet another case of good intent vastly under researched. While I was in Alice, word was that electric stoves had been issued to
Papunya Home Economics Dept. Now that may be an urban myth, but I can vouch for the
Maningrida nonsense.
So much for the Geese honking from
Nothing changes.
(Fellers, any of you mob that can help me out on this one, give us a shout maybe. News of Charlie Carter wouldn't go astray either.).
Thanks eh,
Jeff H