A Fisho Question.
Submitted: Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 14:55
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Member - Oldbaz. NSW.
Looking for info on attaching terminal tackle with metal crimps.
While on a Charter boat off Lord Howe Island last year, the skipper
only used these to attach hooks & sinkers, putting hook on leader then doubling line back through crimp & closing with a crimping plier. When questioned he said they are the quickest way & who
wants to be fooling around trying to tie complicated knots on a
rolling boat when fish are biting. Good point I thought. they
certainly handled Kingies to 30 KG & Bronze Whalers to more than
double that weight. Why not use for Barra I thought while
scratching my head over the bimini twist diagram. Has anyone used them? I cant imagine any Barra outpulling a 70 kg shark
being keelhauled with no drag on big game gear. Any stories or
thoughts most welcome. Going near
Darwin in March, chasing
Barra, that is...........oldbaz.
Reply By: hazo - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:17
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:17
Yes use this method all the time when away up North West over winter.
I buy the small aluminium crimps and I use a pair of electrical (bootlace ) crimpers that I have from my working days. They do not squash the crimp but put an indent in one side, I have never had one fail on terminal tackle using flexy mono etc.
I believe Shimano also do a similar type of tool for their game fishing tackle.
I buy my crimps from
BCF in packs of 20.
Whilst on this subject last year I tried some Gamagatsu Ganster hooks for ganging, they were absolutely crap! and I lost many fish due to the eyes opening when fighting a decent fish.
Would never buy a Gamagatsu hook again!
I even emailed the importer, and Gamagatsu, to express my findings thinking it may have been a faulty batch, but they didnt even answer me.
Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:37
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:37
Thanks Brian, I havent enquired at retailers yet, preferring to get opinions like yours first, but wiil visit the
BCF & Rays stores newly
opened in my area soon. Your hook story doesnt surprise, there
is a lot of dodgy gear around, although I thought they were
reputable. My son has lent me his flash barra gear so must try &
master the o/h baitcaster reel, or it will be back to the eggbeater
Reply By: Maîneÿ (wa) has - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:20
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:20
go on a few Barra fishing charters while up there, they know the rigs and the equipment required to catch the elusive Barra.
If you have access to a boat go out on the
Darwin harbour and up the mangrove creeks, you can see the Barra under the boat, but they just won't bite... must have been the moon or the sun or the bait or the colour of the lure or maybe even the colour of the boat :-)
Mainey . . .
Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:43
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:43
G'day Mainey, will be at
Dundee Beach, 120 k s.w of
Most of group have experience & 10 of us will share 3 boats so
should be plenty of opportunities over 10 days. All been
calculated to get right moon/tides etc. Cant wait..:)))...oldbaz.
Follow Up By: Maîneÿ (wa) has - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:58
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 15:58
Maybe it was just the colour of my Penn reel :-)
Penn Reel Link
Image Could Not Be FoundMainey . . .
Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 16:05
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 16:05
Bloody skite, Mainey !!! I have to get my head around sons Quantum 600.........:)))).....oldbaz.
Follow Up By: Maîneÿ (wa) has - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 16:33
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 16:33
didn't mean it to be that, it's a straight forward and simple reel to use and can drop a lure so precisely, just where you need it at the edge of the mangrove for the Barra.
If you read the reel's advertising blurb you can see it's
well made with heavy duty carbontex drag washers and can handle the fighting fish like Barra, it's not a lot dearer than lesser specified reels from China etc
I still use it down here in the South West for
black bream and the like in the river mouths.
Mainey . . .
Reply By: Member - Norm C (QLD) - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 17:32
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 17:32
When lure fishing for barra, I generally use a 'Jack Erskine Twisted Leader'. I make them up on 60 (occasionallly 80 lb) leader using crimps, then tie them, using a Slim Beauty knot to my 30 or 50 lb braid on the baitcaster reel.
I pre-make them at
home, then just have to tie on a new one if necessary when out fishing. For the terminal clip, I use Norman Speed Clips. Very strong and fairly easy to use. I have had other clips fail under the pressure of big barra, but never one of the Norman Speed Clips. I prefer using clips due to the ability to quickly change lures.
This link to an Ausfish
forum thread shows how they are made:
Jack Erskine Twisted Leader
When bait fishing, I have always tied the hooks on. I have not tried crimping them, but since I have the gear, I might give it a go when next up North.......Was supposed to be on the way about now, but for various reasons, will now not be till April.
The Ausfish
forum is very good for fishing discussion and info. Lots of very experienced barra fishermen on there, mostly guys (and girls) who fish for big ones in the Queensland stocked dams.
Norm C
Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:28
Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:28
G'day Norm, thanks for the great advice &links. I thought the
crimping thing may help my ailing fingers & failing eyesight, & I
am a big fan of the KISS principle.....cheers......oldbaz.
Reply By: offroad Bob - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 18:46
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 18:46
Hi Oldbaz
I lived in
Darwin for years and a keen barra fisherman. Never used wire trace for catching barra even ones over a 1metre. I never used dead bait either. Have on occasion used live bait but with not much success. Mostly always caught on lures or on flyfishing. On lures I run 20kg braid to bimini twist and then mono leader to a clip swivel onto a lure. The lure will depend on the time of year, colour of water, temperature of water, where you are fishing, and whether you are trolling or casting snags. Favourites are green or gold manns 10+. I feel strongly a barra would avoid wire trace. Besides they don't have any teeth to bight your off anyway.
When flyfishing for mackeral I will not use trace - just get a few more bite offs than usual but tie flys to compensate. At Lee point off
Darwin I can usually nail 3 or 4 mackerals on fly while other boats with bait get nothing. If you
check with
Darwin Flyrodders this is the same story with all club members.
Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:32
Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:32
G'day Bob, I think I read somewhere that Barra can see wire traces & can be inclined to ignore lures on them. Thanks for the rig
info. I have no Barra experience at all & welcome advice from
those that do.......cheers.........oldbaz.
Reply By: Member - Paulnmissus (WA) - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 18:47
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 18:47
Flash gear is ok, I spent some time few years back with an aboriginal community at Blue Mud Bay in Arhem land they used 40lb line on a coke bottle and the hook was tied on with a quadruple granny knot, a metere back from the hook was a slip knot for a
rock....depending on if you wanted weighting or not. LOL. They use any thing from frogs to cherabin for bait, seemed to work ok and didn't see many fish lost.
Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:34
Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:34
Sounds like the KISS thing I like so much, cant beat local knowledge.........oldbaz.
Reply By: Member - Willie , Sydney. - Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 23:31
Sunday, Jan 25, 2009 at 23:31
Hi Oldbaz,
I have done a lot of barra fishing, with many different guides and never seen one use crimps.
I join 50 lb braid straight to a 50 lb mono leader with an Albright knot. I don't use clips, but a Homer Rhode loop knot to let the lure work better. I have caught a few barra with this rig.
Using heavier mono leader cuts down the action of the lure and also the depth it will reach.
Follow Up By: Member - Oldbaz. NSW. - Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:39
Monday, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:39
G'day Willie, I couldnt find anything re crimps & barra either, but after seeing how quick & simple they were on game fish I thought
it worth following up. My knot tying isnt real flash being another
reason. Thanks for your tips on rigging too....cheers...oldbaz.