Wednesday, Jan 28, 2009 at 13:29
Hi Greg
Once the diffs try to push mud aside unsuccessfully you are about stuffed no matter what the tyre pressure is. Where I live and
farm in NZ I have got bogged a time or five. Frankly I don't think there is any definitive answer, if it works it is good driving if it doesn't ,think why did I put myself in this position anyway.
With a lifetime of 4WD starting with a series 1 Landrover through to a 08 V8 Troopy I still don't know the correct answer, I did know more than the National Service driving instructor back when I was 19, who insisted that a Series 1 could not be in 4WD when you pulled the ratio lever back into low ratio. It would not be in 4WD because the yellow knob popped up. After I drove the remaining convoy through the swamp after the first three had got bogged, he admitted I was right, those old girls could go a lot of
places in Low Ratio 3rd, speed to torque ratio seemed to be ideal.
I do know that driving on steep slippery hills skinny tyres at pressure bite more and resist sliding sideways down into the gully, providing you keep a bit of power on.
I had never deliberately aired down in the past but in saying that would run Landcruiser tyre pressure lower on gravel, embedded
rock roads so as to give a better ride.
Never to late to learn though, recently I went to drive out to a back corner in Jap import SWB, just got off the hard and thought, Uh Oh. wrong way, lost traction, the Wife gave me a barrel, why did you go that way and stalked off to get a tractor.
I could get some movement rocking, thought I should put into effect what I had read on this
forum, dropped tyre pressure until the tyres were bagging out, drove out without any drama, turned round and drove back through where I had been bogged to get back on the hard.
Met the good wife out at the road after a 5k walk to get the tractor.
She is now even more convinced I am mad touring outback deserts for fun!
Not that I would admit she might be right!.