Thursday, Feb 05, 2009 at 17:02
I agree 100% With your sentiments. I have seen too many gates put across track entrances in NZ when we lived there and the only reason was lifted trucks with 35" + tyres digging ditches when going for a play in the wet.
Whole forests have been closed to 4WD's because of the ir-responsible minority eg Riverhead forest close to Auckland. Their tracks were trashed by 4WD's with big muddies so the owners put up gates everywhere and will not give the keys to anyone - and dare I say it, the culprits were club members who should have known better.
I would be happy as to have 31" max which is what my Troopy has. A couple of years ago, I drowned the Troopy to the top of the bull bar in a
water hole in Beerburem Forest near Brissy that I had driven a Freelander through 2 weeks earlier with no problems. I had been doing that track and
waterhole every month or so for 2 or 3 years so did not expect to drown a Troopy in it. I assume some idiot with big muddies had dug huge holes in the
waterhole sometime over that 2 weeks.
We trashed a snatch strap getting the Troopy out - stitches ripped. I am still not impressed as I ended up with a gearbox full of water and sand and it will need a re-build when I get sick of the bearing noise.
Ban all tyres that are larger in diameter than what the vehicle originally came with. It will keep the vehicles safer by not upsetting the handling or braking as