Friday, Aug 15, 2003 at 14:48
Point taken - your right I'm not in 'Human Resources' nor do I live in the ACT, but I do have a sense of humour. I find it funny that you expressed an opinion knowing the reasons for the restrictions.
On my first trip back to WA in about '82, (I think I have done the crossing about 6 times) we had to stop at the checking station at
Norseman at about 2 am ! Freezing cold, grizzling kids and we had to nearly empty the car, throw out the fruit, honey cardboard boxes etc and repack all the gear into new boxes - not funny!
By the way, if you go to look at the Old Telegraph Station at
Eucla, take a short detour (200m ??) to the East and you will find a bird cage with some captive Starlings. They are used as 'bait' to try and catch any more feral birds from crossing into WA. They also use trained 'Hawks ?' to try and contaian the Starlings.
Also, follow some tracks to the West and head towards
the beach and you will come out at the old Jetty.