Submitted: Wednesday, Feb 11, 2009 at 14:16
This Thread has been Archived
Regarding the Victorian fire disaster.
How many of you have a small collection of broken Jewelry lying in a drawer.
I'm thinking how many people who may not be able to give cash etc to the disaster relief, but who do have Half a set of Gold earings. A broken gold chain that will cost more than it's worth to repair. Old gold fillings. Gold wedding rings, from a previous relationship. Prospectors who have a jar of small specks and pieces of gold, that really don't amount to much ( keep the best one, photograph the rest). Why can't we get all this stuff to a Police station/Court house and on to somewhere like the
Perth Mint get it melted down sold by the Mint and the proceeds sent on for relief/rebuilding effort.
Lets face it we all have got bits and pieces of Gold/jewelry lying around that we can't throw out because it's "GOLD" ( the jewellers are paying around $5 a gram for it), the costs to repair it make it not worthwhile. Collectively all this "SCRAP" could amount to something fairly substantial, that could be put to a worthwhile use, perhaps even on a long term basis, crazy idea, but something like an Australian Disaster Fund?
This is a good idea that needs some ACTION behind it not slaps on the back.
If any one has some clout with radio stations, local celebrities, setting up collection points where they don't have sticky fingers, any constructive ideas on what to do next, talk to me lets get it going. Adriane , Kanga1.
Please only add to the thread with constuctive help, but tell all your friends, they may be able to help in some way.
Reply By: Kanga1 - Thursday, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:52
Thursday, Feb 12, 2009 at 11:52
Thanks for all the
feedback on this subject guys, I wasn't aware of the politics re starting up extra threads on the same subject and apologise for that, it must make it hard for folk to follow a subject with new threads popping up all the time on the same thing, lesson learned. The intention was never to keep bringing up all the bad things regarding what has happened in the East, but to try and increase awareness that people who are maybe unable to give cash,( lots of people just lost their jobs here in the West, Plant closures and cut-backs). It was only to point out that instead of feeling helpless, there are things around the place that are of no further use or real value, that could be gathered up, and collectively make a bit of a difference.
At the moment there is a bulk rubbish pick up where I live, I'm sure some of this stuff is still servicable, ( I've never seen so many TV sets) I keep moving one around in the shed that still works. It's going down to Cash Convertors today, might get $20 for it, that's nearly 4 bales of
hay, smoko for some Cows in the East!
Rang the Attorney Generals people in the East regarding possibility of people being able to take broken Gold/Silver jewelry donations to Regional Court Houses and spoke to the WA Police yesterday, about letting people take gear to Police Stations and forward on to the
Perth Mint. Bottom line is, they are unable to help, security/logistics etc. Very positive from the
Perth Mint though. Have also spoken/emailed radio stations and channel 7 Sunrise to put the idea forward. We'll see what happens there.
Anyhow, the simplist solution would be this.
If anyone feels they can do this. Take gear to a Jeweller/Cashies sell it for cash, send the cash to the Charity of your choice or keep it yourself, your choice.
Do everyone a favour and have a look around.
Cheers, Kanga1.
Follow Up By: Willem - Thursday, Feb 12, 2009 at 15:43
Thursday, Feb 12, 2009 at 15:43
I wouldn't worry about the double posting Kanga. If the site owners wanted the thread removed they would have done so by now.
It's just the
Forum Fairies being pedantic....LOL
Hope your venture works out.
Follow Up By: Kanga1 - Thursday, Feb 12, 2009 at 17:34
Thursday, Feb 12, 2009 at 17:34
Cheers Willem, had some effect with the idea over here, nice to see some good come out of it. Hope the weather stays a bit more amicable for all concerned in our Eastern Suburbs, eh.
Happy trails, Kanga1..