Patrol zd30
Submitted: Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 14:48
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Hi every-one there seems to be some negativity towards the 3 ltr,can any-one help me with why this is as i am thinking about buying one, i had a 05 Navara and did
cape york, great 4by, looking forward to listening.
Reply By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 14:51
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 14:51
think again........
Follow Up By: cookie63 - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:00
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:00
Thanks Nick but why have you had a bad experience as the write up in 4x4 monthly is good.
Follow Up By: Member - Nick (TAS) - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:10
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:10
Nissan and supporters will have you believe that the problem was fixed in about 2003.But I have heard(on this site and many others)of failures up until 2006.And I think I heard on here not long ago about a near new one going bang.
I have travelled a bit(alot more to come) and the only major breakdowns ive come across were 3.0lt patrols, 4 in total with blown engines.And locally, I personally know of 5 others who had engines go.
I just wouldnt take the chance.Go for a 4.2T/D tractor.
Follow Up By: Wherehegon - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:30
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:30
Cookie, if you have the latest edition of 4x4action (monthly) they come with the dvd, they did a comparo on the 80 series cruiser and the patrol, both vehicle's were on par with each other BUT he does mention to get the 4.2td over the 3litre due to issues with the 3L motor. Our neighbours have an 03 patrol 3L it went bang at around the 120k mark, cost him 16k for a rebuild then the pump went not long after costing him another 7k over 20k in repairs. He still has it as its worth jack s h i t for a trade in due to there reputation and said he will drive it till it goes bang again then said he will dump it at nissan's driveway in bits (bit of talk at the time he was so bleep off with nissan) but he said unless he can get his hands on a 4.2td (2nd hand now) patrol ,nissan next time will never get another cent from him. Do your
home work. With 50g's to spend I would be going a second hand 4.2 td if you can find a good one and think of the xtra's you could add with the change and know you have some thing reliable.......WHG
Reply By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:13
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:13
So was the one on the Landrover a couple of years ago in the 4x4 of the year and it came back on a tilt tray.
test newish ones and all of them go Ok till they get some hard work then they die.
If you doubt it do a search on here for "Patrol"then go to the Patrol forums and make up your mind.
Try searching "Grenade" on here as
Does that tell you something.
Cheers from an ex Patrol owner and couldnt be happier.
Reply By: Willem - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:13
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:13
If you look at the main
Forum page and click on the Icon '
Forum' you will see a dialog box open with Search. This is a facility to search the Archives of this site. Now type in ZD30 and date it from say 2003 to the present and then you may have a read of all posts and the problems which have beset the Nissan with the 3lt engine.
Some 3lt engines have lasted a while but some have not and those which have failed have not been acknowledged by The Nissan Motor Company as 'duds' and there have been numerous cases where people have been left having to fight Nissan for compensation for a defective engine!
Reply By: disco driver - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:18
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:18
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I suggest that you conduct a search on this
forum about the ZD30 motor.
There's no shortage of reasons not to buy one there.
check out the Patrol
forum for similar information.
Having said that, there are probably many happy ZD30 owners out there too, but i would never buy one, the risk is too great.
A 4.2 diesel would be a better investment if you can find a good one secondhand.
In regard to all the 4x4 magazines, you should take everything they write with several large grains of salt, sometimes they talk s**t.
(who happily drives a Landrover TD5 and/or a Series III).
Reply By: stefan & 12 times Dakar winner - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:32
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:32
Bad or good look at it this way....
My Father bought a 03 ZD30 in 06. Paid around $30,000 for it. Got around 70,000 kms out of it before it went bang (180,000) it went. He put the Yota 1HD-FTE motor in it at a cost of around $25000. That motor 5sp auto and transfer had 25000kms on it. Now owes him $55000. Had he bought an 03 cruiser in 06 with 25000kms on it what would it have cost?????? More than $55000 for sure.
Now has live axles all round that TOUGH nissan drive line most Yota drivers will admit the Nissans have PLUS lots say the best motor toyota ever made.
If you go in knowing that it MAY happen its not that bad, just make sure you can find the money quickkly if you need it......
Good luck
Reply By: cookie63 - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:41
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:41
Thanks guys gives me some thing to work with will take all coments seriously before i spend 50k.
Follow Up By: Member - John (Vic) - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:53
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 15:53
Cookie have a real good read and a real good think about going down the track of the 3 litre.
Its heartbreaking to see the hassle and cost not to mention the trauma these engines have caused so many people.
Nissan Australia's attitude has been pathetic to say the least.
If you want a Nissan then as said above get a 4.2 litre a
rock solid vehicle in all aspects.
Reply By: charlie horse - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:22
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:22
Hi cookie63,
Every one knows someone that has a blown up ZD30.
Mind you no one seems to know any one with a problem with any other Make.
No one seems to talk about the Prado and their cracked heads. No one seems know the huge oil consumption problems with the Toyota latest diesel
No one seems to have heard of any problems with Pajeros despite problems with transfer/gear boxes.
The list goes on.
I understand most of the problems with the ZD30 have been ironed out post 2003.
I wish you luck in what ever you end up with.
Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 17:28
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 17:28
I believe that the new Cruisers stop using oil once the rings bed in at about 20,000.
My mate has a Pajero that has a sh*t auto and they dont want to fix it It drains the oil out of the torque converter in 24 hours if u leave it standing
If Nissans were fixed in 2003 why does a 2006 do the same.
Buy a used 100 series plenty coming up at government auctions in
Brisbane at the moment
Get one for less than $50g
Reply By: Mick15 - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:52
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:52
For 50k you should be able to get a GU with a 4.2, like the other guys said, have a search on the zd30 patrol.
Buy one if you like, but if you do and it goes bang, don't complain to us!! Already read about it too many times (although it gets entertaining after a while - If people did any research...)
Personally I only had about 20k to spend and wanted a diesel, for that money I could have got a GU with rd2.8t or early zd3.0, I went for a GQ with td4.2 and 130k, was dear for its age but ive got no reason to expect it to go bang, have done 75k with nothing more than usual oil/filter changes, couldn't be happier - probably still get more kays out of it from where I am now than a brand new zd30.
Follow Up By: Mick15 - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:56
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:56
Also the zd30 in the Navara seems to be reasonably trouble free - they certainly go
well!, there were a few differences in the engine between vehicles - variable vane turbo and i/c in the patrol etc and the patrol probably has an extra 500kg plus to cart around.
As much as I like the patrols live axles and strong driveline, if I had to have a car with a zd30 i'd pick the navara!
Reply By: Dave Thomson - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:53
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:53
Cant make up my mind but methinks this is a wind up, mate go ahead and buy it , but DONT say you wern't warned, we'll look forward to hearing your probs with it right here on EO, your friendly neighbourhood problem solving site LOL...................
regards and GOOD LUCK to you,
Reply By: Kiwi and Grenade - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:56
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 16:56
We have one and have had nothing but drama but have taken it to a place and got the "problem" sorted.
According to them and a few other turbo dyno
places the problem lies within the things we got fixed.
Heres the list of things he did and the cost. Ours was over boosting big time and is now all good with sooooo much more power.
*Air flow sensor $247.97
*Vacuum Solenoid $200.94
*Fuel filter $22.00
* Dyno
test and report $95.00
*used vacuum actuator - no charge
test power and boost. faults found: erratic idle, sudden loss of power, high boost pressure couples with erratic boost pressure
swings. Severe air entry into fuel pump via poorly made drain plug thread on lower fuel filter partially seizing vacuum boost control solenoid, unfiltered air entering air inlet and coating sensor wire on air flow sensor, sensor actuator had been tampered with in attempt to rectify high boost due to sensor and valve failure, replaced actuator with used unit. $460.00
*NOTE: boost gauge reads 4psi too high at maximum boost,
test carried out with master gauge. No further faults found after work carried out on the day.
Total cost $1128.50
the prob is with over boosting which causes the pistons to go caput! Our prob is solved now, so fingers crossed!
Good luck with your choice.....we DID have an 06 Nav (same engine) but got rid of it cos of the size with 3, now 4 kids.....
They go
well, fuel consumption is fantastic and they are very comfy!!
Reply By: jezza68 - Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 17:17
Sunday, Feb 15, 2009 at 17:17
I own a 2008 Patrol 3lt CRD it is good but a bit thirsty compared to other CRD,s. Reliability issues seem to have petered out sine 2004.
However since then it is evenly spread on the relaibilty factor when you study the ZD30 problem, it is not alone.
The 100 series Landcruiser is a slow fuel guzzler, The 105 landcruiser leaves its front end behind on corrugations, the Prado blows heads, the TD5 Landy blows up!
I have owned or had the above as work vehicles and there has not been a decent 4x4 since 1997 when Nissan and Tojo replaced the GQ and 80 series.
The first manufacturer who returnd to a large wagon with a cast iron 6-8cyl turbo diesel, live axles and ladder frame chassis will get my money! Preferably without a computer to give its unwanted 2 bobs worth will be held in high esteem also.