Testing LPG Gas Sensors/Alarm
Submitted: Thursday, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:02
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Still looking at buying an LPG Gas Sensors/Alarm. Found a unit with a very good price, then started thinking about has it got the same sensor electronics as more expensive units and do any of them really protect us from being gased as against preventing an explosion.
I know the smoke alarm in our van and
home works as my burning toast when the toster setting has been changed by someone has proven them out. But testing one of these gas sensors.........
I know they have a
test switch but to me that just checks out the alarm circuit.
I would like to know the unit I buy works.
Comments appreciated.
Reply By: Flywest - Thursday, Feb 26, 2009 at 18:33
Thursday, Feb 26, 2009 at 18:33
Ever since one of Fisjeries boats blew up with fuel vapours below decks all their boats have been fiotted wth LPG siffers.
I bought a boat off them with a sniffer and two sensors one inside the cabin and one under the floor.
Its extremely sensitive - in fact annoyingly so. (Just like smoke detectors and toast example).
They seem to detect ANY hydrocarbons at al.
I had a leaking shock absorber on one of the helm seats - the damn sniffer would detect the oil smell and go off all the time.
Replaced the shiocker and cleaned up all the oil - no more problem.
Then I put CRC on all the locks and window catches etc etc in the cab - again - weeks of false alerts on the sniffer until the aerosol hydrocarbons eventualy evaporated.
Work on the OB;s and get grease on your hands and walk into the cabin the sensor goes off!
Like I said - they are a royal PIA BUT - compared to getting blown to kingdom come - they are worth their weight in gold and I wouldn't be without them.
Better a ounce of prevention than a pound of cure!
Just means there are SOME things you can't keep / store in your van if you want the sniffer to be of any real value - OR get used to tracking own your false alerts.
They work - no two ways about that!
Reply By: BV - Thursday, Feb 26, 2009 at 19:24
Thursday, Feb 26, 2009 at 19:24
I have one and while it has not had to respond to any LP leaks, it has gone off twice for electrical problems. Once was a faulty connection that led to a wire overheating and the insulation starting to melt; on the second occasion the battery charger went berserk and started to boil the house batteries. They seem to be more sensitive than smoke alarms for some vapours.
Follow Up By: PeterInSa - Friday, Feb 27, 2009 at 14:00
Friday, Feb 27, 2009 at 14:00
Thanks for your replies. At the
Adelaide Caravan/Motorhome show noticed that the majority of Motorhomes have the LPG Sensors fitted but did not seen any on vans.
Will get one for our van that can be disconnected and fitted to the family motorhome when in use.