Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 15:46
Your Welcome,
Mate a
mine used to manage 3 hospitals up there (Wickham
Karratha and Roebourne) from memory, and had REAl problems retaining nursing staff.
1. There was a LOT of constant pressure on them from the all male
population, which they soon tired of.
2. The provided state govt housing is VERY old and poor condition - ceiling fans instead of air conditioners etc.
3. The wages are same as
Perth plus the small tax break above the 26th parallel. Theres a REAL dichotomy between the stage govt service provision staff condirtions of living and the
mine people in terms of wages and accoms.
4. The dichotomy, creates social problems (Class differentiation)....you might be a Hospital manager in a sun standard house and low wage compared to your neighbour in a new mining co house, next door with all the air con etc etc
Add to that the manual labourer at the
mine is on 2 or 3 times the salary.
5. The differentiation - means that theres a class distinction between the haves and have nots...the miners all have a
pool, boat, 4wd, jetskis, motor bikes - i.e. all the toys - because their wage affords it - and their hiouse has al the new furniture etc etc
The neighbouring state govt service employee has huge responsibility, crappy wage and a derelect house and no toys coz the wage wont allow it.
6. Try explaing to the kids - why your the big head honcho of a whole medical system in the
Pilbara - always on call and long hours - no time for your kids or wife etc and you live like paupers, and the neghbours kids who's dad isa dump truck driver for the
mine - have ALL the mod cons and toys etc - it's a cause of REAL friction with the kids at school, & in sporting clubs etc.
7. Public servants in the
Pilbara are a lower socio economic demograph due to the high wages and conditions on offer to the
mine workers, whch makes for division in the comunities...
Its not long before your missus under all the constant attention / pressure from the mining co dudes iseventually bangin the dump truck driver next door, because he can offer her and your kids, a better quality of life than you can, on a low paid govt wage and a hugely responsible job that affords your wife and kids hardly any of your time.
8. The govt positions in the
Pilbara are like a huge revolving door they are ALWAYS advertised in the papers because no one will stay - LOTS of the govt husing available is in
places like Roebourne which has a predominantly first nations
Unless you've visited Roebourne you wouldn't understand what I mean - but for example - the Hotel is closed in town permanently - too many riots every day for local Police to be able to contend with.
Karratha's a nice place to visit and fish - but you'd wanna think twice about living there long term, it is VERY hard on kids.....my own two teenage boys reckoned the seagulls were looking sweet after 9 months up there, without seeing many if any
young gals their own age the whole time we were there.
I can tel you they are MUCH happeir down here in
Perth with their jobs and girlfriends, nightlife etc