nannup help needed
Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 11:12
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Member - BUNDY BOY (WA) all my learned camping friend's...........need some help
there's 5/6 vehicles at the moment. with camper trailers and one with a on road caravan ....heading down thinking Cambray.Barrabup use as a base am wondering are these two areas easy to get into with a on road caravan..??..or would you suggest another...and tracks of varying levels.....were to find.and do you know the good ones............
Cheers again Bundy
Reply By: EaglePatrol - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 12:33
Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 12:33
I can't comment about Cambray but was at Barrabup
pool recently and cavavan access via Mowen Road should be no problem. Road has been widened and sealing works are in progress. There are a small number of sites available in the park above the main
pool. There are also sites available at Workman's
pool which you will find on the left on the way in. Hope that helps.
Reply By: Flywest - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 15:56
Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 15:56
Nannup at
easter hey - at Barrabup or Cambrey.
Well - you could i guess, but it might be quieter camping in the
Hay Street Mall, if you want to get away from the crowds - coz most of the crowds will be at
nannup over
Easter - camped at Cambrey or Barabup from past experience!
A lot of your best racks will be up in the Pine Plantations off the
nannup - balingup road - take spur road up into the plantation and try al of the crevass materhgorn etc tracks along the edge of the escarpement - the great thing about those tracks is one moments inattention and you can roll the 4wd for 1000 ft downhill unless you hit a masive pine tree first
Seem to recall pulling Uhart Kankkernan the self proclaimed worlds greatest rally driver out of his wrecked car somewhere up in there, when he spun out on a hairpin bend that was green with slime from a spring that pops up in the middle of the apex of the corner......guy couldn't drive a greasey sick up a dogs date with a mallet, if you get my drift!
You'll have fun no doubt!
I wouldn't take that van into any of the steep country I gave you gps waypoints on the Donnelly for! (You might get it in but if it rains you'll need a sky hook to get it back out!).
Reply By: Member - V8Diesel (WA) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 21:36
Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 21:36
Bundy, I was down at
Nannup last weekend and went to both Barrabup and Workmans Pools and they were pretty busy. Workmans was full of Coaster buses, but I think the music festival probably attracted lots of them (very alternative looking folk).
Either way, I think they'll be flat out at
Easter time so I wouldn't bank on it as a venue. We went down to Pemberton for the Australia Day long weekend - got there on the Wednesday (!) to secure a good spot but it was already absolutely chockers anywhere near the water. Dwellingup is the same if not worse.
Plenty of
Ranger signs and Cops too.
Sorry I can't be more constructive by offering alternatives, but I didn't have time to explore further afield and only had 2WD.
Reply By: Member - Lionel A (WA) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 23:18
Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 23:18
Hey Darren, just MM'd Evan, he's the man to talk to.
He's either on a ship in some exotic port or out playing in the 4by.
Hope he gives you a hoy shortly.
Reply By: Member - Duncan W (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 04, 2009 at 14:53
Wednesday, Mar 04, 2009 at 14:53
Mateeeeeee was at Cambrey last weekend and it was busy, so over
Easter may need to get in quick. We camped at the start of the track in as the end open area was already occupied. Vehicles were still arriving at about 8.00PM. Barrabup Sanctuary is CT friendly give Glen a call as it fills up pretty quickly.