Jayco Query

Submitted: Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 17:02
ThreadID: 66466 Views:3260 Replies:4 FollowUps:3
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Hi All,
Has anyone out there fitted 8 inch 80 Series Cruiser tyres and rims (275/70R16) to a Jayco Camper Trailer such as the Penguin or Swan series. I am particularly interested to know in relation to an outback version with the inside clearance.
And have asked Jayco and they don't know!

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Reply By: Matt(WA) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 17:24

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 17:24
Hi Steve,

Long time no see, how are you mate? Keeping busy I hope! Some friends of friends have retro fitted a Jayco camper for Cruiser rims. Dont think they had to many problems. What are you up to at easter?
Matt and D

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AnswerID: 352024

Reply By: Anthony (Vic) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 18:10

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 18:10
I don't know the offset on 80 series crusier rims but for what its worth, I fitted after market Prado rims (with 30mm offset) to a Dove outback. Needed to use 10mm wheel spacers and turn down the bolt heads on the jayco spring anti bounce things to give enough clearance between the inside wall of the tyre (using a 245/70x17inch) and the springs. The mods appeared to work ok with no problems after 3000kms on outback tracks and more on the black stuff.

AnswerID: 352030

Follow Up By: Member - Tom V (WA) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 19:57

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 19:57
Hi Tony.
thanks for this info. I am thinking about putting prado rims on my dove outback.
can u expalin, 30mm offset bit.??
the bit about spacers I understand as i fitted my prado spare to the dove & yep needed more clearance.
did u have to fit longer bolts, as looking @ the dove wheel with the prado spare fitted, the wheel nuts would not have a lot of grip. ??
also thinking of fitting durahubs, do u know anyone that has done this. ??

thanks Tom
FollowupID: 620231

Follow Up By: Anthony (Vic) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 20:31

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 20:31
Hi Tony,

With the offset, the tyre shop told me that the std GXL alloy rims have a 38mm offset, which I guess yours Prado is the GXL. My Prado is a 2003 GX, which came std with 6inch steel rims. I bought after market 17x8inch steel rims so I could fit some LT offroad tyres.

The offset on my after market steel rims is 30mm (if I recall I think the offset is Positive), which means the the position of the tyre in relation to the centre line of the rim is 30mm closer towards the inside guard.

With the spacers, they are closer to 9.5mmthick than 10mm, which is the max thickness I could use due to the available length of the wheel studs. I didn't want to use bigger spacers as I would leave enough thread for the wheel nuts.

If you want to fit the std GXL alloys on your jayco, your may have a harder problem then I did. The alloys might be thicker than the steel rims and use more of the stud thread thant the steels did.

cheers Anthony
FollowupID: 620239

Follow Up By: Anthony (Vic) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 20:40

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 20:40
Hi Tom, sorry for the wrong greeting
FollowupID: 620242

Reply By: Doggy Tease - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 18:50

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 18:50
greetings. Oh ghost who walks.....:)

long time no see.

On our old 2001 outback Dove i ran 265/75r16's on standard nissan steel rims without any problems.
In saying that tho i did have the springs reset an inch higher than standard, mainly because they had sagged a bit.
The tire sidewall was pretty close to the chassis rail but never caused a problem even when aired down to 18psi for some really soft sand.
So theorheticaly at least with the cruiser having a bigger offset and as long as your springs havent sagged, i dont see any problems.


AnswerID: 352034

Reply By: Member - AJB (VIC) - Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 20:51

Tuesday, Mar 03, 2009 at 20:51
I Have an expanda which had 15's (outback pack) on standard and I put 16x8's on to match the Nissan. They have 265/70 16's on these rims which are standard ROH white things. Don't know what the off set is but do know they fit the nissan and van. On the van there is less clearance on the inside of the tyre to the chasis, than the standard tyre/rim combo, but there is still about 50- 60mm. It increased the height a little and I was actually after that to level out the van/nissan combo.
AnswerID: 352058

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