Thursday, Mar 05, 2009 at 08:50
Main problem has been foreign particles.
First time it was red dust and sand.
2nd time it was sand and horse hair.
3rd time it was fine
grey clay.
I had to get the injection pump overhauled at 200,000k and speaking to the fitter, dirty fuel, or only partially filtered fuel creates more wear on the seals. Rest of pump was OK.
The toyota filter is 13 micron, the pajero filter is 10 micron, so the first filter catches the worst of it and gives the pajero filter a chance to cope with a bad load of fuel.
If the extra pump is not working, there is a slight pressure drop. Not as bad as a very dirty filter :o). Maybe loose 10% power at full throttle, just like backing off a fraction at full throttle, so the car is certainly still driveable. But the pajero needs all the power it can get, and I didn't want to put too much load on the injection pump.
I have set up the toyota filter and pump under the car so I can disconnect a couple of bits of fuel line and bypass them if I need to.
I did think of getting a filtering sock for the fuel filler on the car and filter fuel as it was put into the tank, but using it every time on a fill up lengthened the fill time, plus the hassle of using and storing it.
If filling from jerries I use a funnel with a fine mesh filter in it.