Insurance re Hire of Camper Trailer
Submitted: Sunday, Mar 08, 2009 at 17:22
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We are hiring a camper tailer with annex for an up coming holiday at a beachside park.
Wondering about taking out travel insurance mainly in relation to those clauses in the Hire agreement, where the Hirer releases the owner and employee, agents of the owner from all claims, damages etc. and also where the Hirer agrees to idemnify the owner for all claims, damages and costs in respect of personal injury, property loss or damaged suffered by the hirer etc.
We are also to pay a bond of $500 which is the basic excess insurance (said hire trailer is fully comprehensively insured) this bond will be returned approx 7 days after trailer is returned in good order.
I note that one domestic policy I looked at will not pay for items I own left unattended in a public place, which I suppose includes our clothing, TV, Fridge, etc etc so I expect they're pretty much the same across the board. I realise its a different kettle of fish if you own your own van which is not made of canvas, can be locked and has been in use in the last 24 hours per owners van policy I had a look at on line.
I am most concerned about the indemity clauses however. There appears to be indemity cover on domestic policies to value of $5million. What this covers exactly am still to double
check with insurer.
Any suggestions re personal insurance from others who have hired camper trailers in the past?
Thanks in advance.
Reply By: Travelling Pixie - Monday, Mar 09, 2009 at 22:39
Monday, Mar 09, 2009 at 22:39
are you asking about insurance for your items? or for damage/injury that may occur as a result of you using the trailer?
i did a 3 month trip last year in a camper trailer and the best we used was small combo locks on the zip tabs that the kids could undo. I took a small light-weight cable to run through things at night but I never used it and we didn't have anything stolen on the whole trip.
Lock valuables in the car at night and put things away when you've finished with them and you are going a long way to keeping yourself protected
We extended our
home contents insurance to cover items that we took with us (camera, GPS, fridge, sat-phone etc.)
Follow Up By: Bernadine - Tuesday, Mar 10, 2009 at 11:02
Tuesday, Mar 10, 2009 at 11:02
Thanks for your reply Travelling Pixie. I ended up speaking to
my home insurer yesterday about the contents issue. Found out what I wanted to know.
We've tent camped heaps of times and never had any issues with thieves. I guess because this is a hire camper I was a little more concerned. Roll on the day I can buy my own.
Yes indeed we always carry a set of padlocks when we tent
camp anyway, its better than nothing at all. I'm pretty sure we have a cable lock somewhere too which we bought before we did our O/s trip, might come in handy. Thanks for the tip.
As for the question re personal injury as a result of using the trailer, am advised that CTP covers that.