ZD30 - Follow Up Thread 65383 / 62790

Submitted: Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:00
ThreadID: 67178 Views:4058 Replies:5 FollowUps:7
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Appear Nissan Australia IS now listening. To follow this story one should first read the above threads.

Last November I wrote to my local MP complaining about the lack of confidence by owners of the Nissan ZD30 engine and the ad hoc manner of Nissan Australia in addressing subsequent claims for 'blown' engines. He wrote to Nissan's CEO and the reply was passed to me to contact Nissan's CRD. After much too'ing and fro'ing I am pleased to say that Nissan paid 100% of my claim itemised below:

a. Pickering Nissan Mt Isa - $88 - to be told what I already knew.

b. Parry Nissan Townsville - $453.75 - To remove head and confirm blown pistons.

c. Engine Australia - Trade Price $1024.86 - ZD30 Engine Rebuild Kit.

Total Value of 3 Invoices - $1566.61

My advice to any other members (unfortunately) involved in having to make a claim is:

a. Register your claim with Nissan Australia CRD (crd@nissan.com.au or 1800 035 035) at your first opportunity and, if done by phone, follow it up in writing.

b. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. By that I mean keep yourself a chronological diary of everything that transpired. He said, I said, etc.

c. Follow up any verbal conversations with an email (or snail mail) advising CRD of your recollection of the conversation that took place.

d. Keep all receipts - to send copies to CRD when asked.

e. Be persistent and above all do NOT get abusive.

f. Stick to the facts.

g. BTW I drink XXXX ;-)

Will I buy another Patrol? Sure I will. They are a great vehicle. Just make sure you fit an EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature) and Boost gauges. When your engine gets a little too hot; ease off on the throttle.

And I thank the members of www.patrol4x4.com forum for their wealth of information.


living the 'good life'

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Reply By: Max - Sydney - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:28

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:28
Congratulations Malcolm - its not easy to document a long slow process, and to keep your cool.

Good to see that you finally got your money back. Out of interest, and without going back to your previous threads, I note that you went to dealers in Mt Isa & Townsville - did you not have any out of pocket costs in transporting the car there?

AnswerID: 356064

Follow Up By: Member - Malcolm (Townsville) - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 16:54

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 16:54
Hi Max

Blew the engine just out of Camooweal in the NT. Recovered by RACQ to Mt Isa and subsequently Townsville. However, RACQ DO NOT cover the cost of recovering any trailer, caravan, etc. Cost me $200 to tow caravan from Camooweal to Mt Isa (even though the RACQ truck just hooked it on the back and was going there anyway). Luckily I had not sold my 2003 Patrol (ZD30) so I flew to Townsville, drove it back to Mt Isa and recovered the caravan (and the cook ;-) ) back to Townsville.

Cost in Mt isa was to tell me "you've blown your engine. $15,000 for a new one".

You should read the above threads if you really want to learn the story.

living the 'good life'

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FollowupID: 624138

Reply By: Olsen's 4WD Tours and Training - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:29

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:29
A good result and good advice.
AnswerID: 356065

Follow Up By: Member - Malcolm (Townsville) - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 16:55

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 16:55
Thanks David
living the 'good life'

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FollowupID: 624139

Reply By: PandJ - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:51

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:51
G'day Malcolm,

I have an issue with the local Nissan dealer and not getting anywhere. Who can I write to or phone to talk to other than the customer service people who keep referring me back to the local bloke?

If anyone else can assist it will be appreciated.

Thank you, cheers P&J
AnswerID: 356073

Follow Up By: Member - William H (WA) - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:55

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:55
Good morning PandJ

Do as Malcom has said......Keep a diary of what has happened, and who you have spoken to,....as it will come in handy for you later,when the going get's tough, and you will have the info for what has been said, by the local Nissan Dealer,beleave me, when you can quote what so and so said, it will come in handy,I have diarys from 1993 up till today,and i dont though out receipts,when you want something it is their in a book or box.

Cheers for now...William H...Bunbury...WA.
FollowupID: 624075

Follow Up By: Member - Malcolm (Townsville) - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 17:01

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 17:01
Hi PandJ

As William has said above.

If you really do have a valid case then there is always the Office of Fair Trading (in every state of Oz). In Qld one can even go online, fill out a complaint form for investigation. If it's worth it they will advise your next course of action.

My initial complaint to Nissan was turned down twice before I wrote the letter to my local MP ... not about my case per se but Nissan attitude in general.

Persistance pays off.



living the 'good life'

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FollowupID: 624142

Reply By: TerraFirma - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:47

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:47
Malcolm, Your advise is first class.! Your on the money in every respect, why don't you right the following handbook:

"How to buy a Nissan and keep the bastards honest.!"
Your Guide by Malcolm
AnswerID: 356084

Follow Up By: Member - Malcolm (Townsville) - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 17:02

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 17:02
Hi TerrFirma

and the cost will be $52,990 - I need a newer Patrol LOL.

living the 'good life'

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FollowupID: 624143

Reply By: Lotzi - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 13:12

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 13:12
G'day Malcolm

Very well done, I would also pass on formation re result to your MP and find someone at the Office of Fair Trading.

The loss of enjoyment and inconvenience for you and the loss of confidence in the Nissan brand is something that Nissan must address sooner rather than later, the number of posts just in the last 6 months on this forum alone is staggering, let alone the dedicated Patrol forums.

Seeing that both the Nissan and Tojo 4.2's usually run to about 350,000 k's, I can't see why something similar shouldn't be achievable, especially when Nissan advertised and inferred that the 3 litre was both a step up in life and reliability.

It's about time that the customers (they used to be important) had a greater profile, re introduction of consumer and lemon laws, vehicle development and such.

On item G. - I find that by the time that I get to Tsv, the XXXX Gold is either warm (won't happen), flat (won't happen) or evaporated (definitely won't happen), as you sit back at 1700 this afternoon, raise your glass, cause there will be a few others raising theirs to you this arvo, about time someone is getting somewhere.

All the best
AnswerID: 356089

Follow Up By: Member - Malcolm (Townsville) - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 17:10

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 17:10
Hi Lotzi

Unfortunately, customer satisfaction seems to be a thing of the past. Most just want to take the quid and move to the next sale.

Yes I emailed the full content of the above post to my local MP. I also owe him a beer when I next see him. ( Eh, Peter).

1700 !! Boy, you're dragging the chain. I've cracked a couple already.

living the 'good life'

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FollowupID: 624145

Follow Up By: Lotzi - Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 19:37

Wednesday, Mar 25, 2009 at 19:37
G'day Malcolm

At 1700, I was primed, have a few jobs to do, my young bloke is shouting me down to Syd for the Tuff Truck Challenge, mate I'm having an ale for you.
I think that a class action/consumer protest may soon raise it's head to take on the manufactures ..... I'm sure that the said manufactures may be reading these forums, so for them .... be warned, really think about it.

Cheers Malcolm, all the best
FollowupID: 624170

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