Sunday, Mar 29, 2009 at 15:49
Take serious notice of Tony H comments.
Plus, please understand this........runnning your fridge from the car alternator (via the vehicle battery) when travelling is no issue as far as power requirements goes...your alternator wont even feel the load....BUT you need an understanding of the wiring requirements and current draw! + the safety factor that Tony H has stated
Your comment re "my set up, has a 20 amp fuse between battery and ciggie adapter" indicates that you perhaps do not understand what you are protecting ...or in this case with a fuse of that size NOT PROTECTING ..probably not either the wiring harness or the fridge
I dont know about Bushman fridge amps use but if it is not a three way (ie can use gas as
well) then it would probably be using <5 amps when running....
these cigaret adaptors are often very lightly wired and I have seen them over heat and burn out...yes flames and melted wiring and plastic
make certain the wiring harness from battery to fridge is heavy enough (including the wires attached to the cigaret adapter) and I dont see the need to use more than a 10 amp fuse and possibly even a 5 amp subject to your fridge power draw on start up
be careful and if you dont fully understand it all then get someone who knows to do it for you