Monday, Apr 06, 2009 at 11:38
Here is my interpretation of it (though there may be a shortcut somewhere)
Go to Local Disk C
Program Files
Natmap Raster Viewer
250K Mosaic
Natmap DVD 1
Now Highlight 250K.ecw file
Copy to Maps File in Oziexplorer
(To find Ozi go back to Local Disk C, then Oziexplorer, then Maps file)
Copy it to Maps File
Now go to Oziexplorer and go to File and Import Map and in box scroll down and click on ECW Maps
ECW File Path must read 250K.ecw C:Program Files Natmap Natmap Raster Viewer(with backward slashes so you have to go look for it)
Map File Path must read C: Oziexplorer Maps Natmap Raster Viewer(have to go look for it too)
Click Import
Now go to Load in Oziexplorer
Load Map File
Look in: Oziexplorer
Double click on Maps
Double click on Natmap Raster Viewer
Double click on1.6
Double click on Maps
Double click on 250K Mosaic
Douiblke click on Natmap DVD 1
Highlight 250K icon and it will go to File Name
Click Open
And the Map of Australia should open in Oziexplorer in a Box
In the top left hand corner of the Box is a small marker. Click on it and drag it to anywhere on the Australia map.
Map view will open.
Next time you want to open the map go to
Open Recent Maps and click on the map you want
Too easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!