Tuesday, Apr 07, 2009 at 14:17
Hi Graeme
We have the $89 Next G plan, so i can't say about pre paid, BUT we do need the antenna most times, including at
home (on a
hill probably 2 - 3 kms from town centre in a straight line).
Yulara was one of the few
places i got full reception without using the antenna.
Hi Signman
It is our daughter's plan, so she pays. When she was going to the
Pilbara for three months, she compared cost of buying modem outright and paying for three months cover, and it worked out about the same as the plan over two years. She chose the latter so we could use it for our travels as
well. She had to change plans to get a new modem, as the first one was faulty and over a fifteen month period, she had no joy with Telstra (another 'why i hate Telstra' story). I think she had to increase the download while we were away, as when we stopped for a while in a town with reception, i went over her download limit.