Jayco ish type campers
Submitted: Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:03
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Greetings all, hired a 2008 Jayco Finch for
easter with a view of replacing my trusty 5 year old soft floor off roader with a Jayco Dove Outback. Money
well spent as I got to see what a pile of crap this thing was without spending a heap of dough. So, is there anything like this type of camper that is of decent quality, so far found Goldstream and coromal but neither look very high off the ground. Need to sleep family of 4, one of which has the longest arms and legs in the world.
Reply By: Kim and Damn Dog - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:36
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:36
I don't think you can go past Goldstream. A lot more expensive than the Jayco, but you can see the difference in the quality.
Reply By: PradOz - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:57
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 12:57
I have had 2 jayco campers - and both proved to be excellent value for money. actually doubled my money when selling my 1st one. current one is a swan and we love it. no probs with it and the swan layout has the fridge opposite the door so it is handy for those roadside stops (or for when you forget to switch the fridge over to 12V). the swan is very spacious inside + everyone stays out of each others way so no arguements from the kids.
My brother has a coromal and he added a short mattress/lounge piece to the front bed and they sleep head at front window feet pointing to rear. they needed it for his swmbo who is
well over 6 feet - not for him who is
well under 6 feet :)) the mattress bit sits on top of the framework on lounge at front from memory. he loves his camper and also has had plenty of jaycos too. he has no complaints re the jaycos or his coromal. he only traded up to this one as he got it way under their normal price as previous owner was in $ trouble.
looking at it i am not sure i would spend all those extra $ on one. think i would spend the $ on a good jayco and use the savings to upgrade or add the bits you want - that way you get exactly what you want/need. only thing i suggest you do is look at layout to ensure it meets your needs/family (eg fridge location), and get the largest you can afford/tow/store as the extra space proves to be very valuable. also i prefer the lighter interior coloured walls (
grey) as the darker ones tend to make the interior dim and also give the illusion of a smaller van. when open
mine looks very light and spacious.
Follow Up By: HGMonaro - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 16:06
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 16:06
interesting "lateral" thinking! All these things (we have a Goldstream) are basically the same width so the beds are fundamentally the same and not suitable for tall people!
Reply By: Doggy Tease - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 14:49
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 14:49
Gday Scott.
We had a off-road Dove for five years and it definately served us very
well. We had at the time me,swmbo,2 teenage daughters and a toddler.
Where i pointed the Patrol,the Dove followed along quite happily, into a few
places that we were told th Dove would not get to.
They are a great camper for the family to get away from the ratrace. I added a second
water tank and fitted 16 inch rims to suit the Patrol , and gave the
suspension a birthday with an extra inch of height. This was all quite cheap to do and improved on a good product.
When the two eldest moved out of
home,,,(yay.)..we upgraded to a new Goldstream Storm and got it built to what we wanted from the factory.
With regard to height are you sure you didnt hire an on-road model as all these types of campers have a pretty good ground clearance.
If you want ot spend the money then Goldstream is about the best of the bunch,,,,,with the pricetag reflecting the build quality.
Reply By: landed eagle - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 16:53
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 16:53
I had a 94 Jayco eagle for five years and flogged the daylights out of it. Kept on keeping on. I'm now waiting impatiently for my new outback expanda hardlid.
Interesting that the Finch was described as a 'pile of crap',but the reasons for it being a 'pile of crap' weren't outlined.Please elaborate. I'm sure we all would like to know what was wrong with it!
If you need to sleep 4 I'd be looking at a Dove at the very least.
I slept 5 in the eagle ok.
Follow Up By: Ferret - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:28
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:28
Yep fair enough, had a 3 hour drive to get to where I was going. The trailer seemed heavy considerying I'm towing it with a 6.5 chev GU and when I got there I found one of the brakes had siezed on!! Started setting up and found numerous fittings were loose or missing screws/ rivets. Plugged in the hose and went to use the tap, leaked all over the floor so had no water the whole weekend. Whilst looking at the brakes I noticed the crappy stone guard that covered the
water tank...sort of. The veneer on all the cupboards looked like it would peel off if you sneezed and the joining seems in the roof were hanging down. One of the zips on the bed ends failed (split), the beds are not doubles at 1200 wide. KInd of reminded me of one of those cheap chinese knock offs of anything that you buy expecting it to fall apart. I know there are many satisfied Jayco owners who will jump to their defence and I was hoping to be one of them but based on my experience I would be hard pushed to buy one. If I was to look at one it would the last of the Aluminium outback doves, not the flimsy fibreglass stuff.
Follow Up By: Brian (Montrose, Vic.) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 19:30
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 19:30
I notice you mentioned it was a hire unit, which in my mind would suggest it has had a hard life and not been loved or looked after properly by "real" owners, think the state of some rental properties around.
Having said that, yes I do own a 12 yr old Jayco Flight, off road model, we are the third owner and apart from minor discolouration of the canvas etc and being in need of new struts and bushes, it has been
well travelled and seems to have stood up quite nicely.
Reply By: Pembytom - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:28
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:28
you get what you pay for, Jaycos are good value for money but even there outback models lack the strengh of the goldstream and coromal range.
If you can afford either the goldstream or the Coromal do it.
If money is an option get a Jayco and you might be able to upgrade the
suspension etc and you will save dollars that way.
I have a goldstream star and the height is good for off road work(within reason)
The goldstream
suspension is top notch and will handle most tracks with ease, space is good inside but a queen bed will be standard.
Have seen a new Goldstream Star 2 for sale at 28990 on trading post, I paid 22000 for a 2005 model and its still like new.
good luck but the brands yo have mentioned are about it
Reply By: Tim - Stratford (VIC) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:32
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:32
If you are thinking of a quality secondhand one - what about an imported Coleman? - I forget who makes (company onsells them to Coleman) them but a mate has a Coleman 'Carmel' - it is a windup with all the bells and whistles, has a king double one end and a queen the other. Also has all the gear of more expensive Jayco's etc - even seems to be a steel frame. The outside is made of an ABS type plastic.
Pretty shmick and value for money.
Try a google for details.
Tim - Stratford.
Follow Up By: Ferret - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:42
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:42
Cheers' i'll
check 'em out. Do you know where to get them?
Follow Up By: Tim - Stratford (VIC) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:48
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:48
It was the current owners mate who imoported it. He did a few whilst bringing in other equipment for his work. They average about $12000- $15000 depending on extras. Most have hot water, heater, oven etc - pretty flash. I'll see if he is still bringing them in if you like.
Follow Up By: Ferret - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:56
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 18:56
Cheers, do you know if they are an off roader?
Follow Up By: Tim - Stratford (VIC) - Thursday, Apr 16, 2009 at 00:36
Thursday, Apr 16, 2009 at 00:36
The one my mate got is not really an off-roader - but he's done a "Spring-over-axle" conversion and changed tyres for more ground clearance.
I believe Coleman do have "off-road" versions though.
Reply By: Best Off Road - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 20:13
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 20:13
"Pile of Crap"
It was a rental. It has been abused by people who don't care about it.
Take an ex rental Camry for a drive and compare it to a lovingly private owned Camry.
Reply By: Member - Matt H (SA) - Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 22:53
Tuesday, Apr 14, 2009 at 22:53
We've had a 2007 Goldstream Storm almost a year after upgrading from our soft floor camper which we travelled Oz in back in 2002 BC. (BC=Before Kids).
Goldstream all the way. Sure, the Goldstream was $17k MORE than what I could bought the comparatively sized Flamingo or Swan for, but I'm more than happy with the purchase, despite Goldstream being unable to supply a wiring diagram for it.
The adage applies - "you gets what's you pay for"! I've recently heard (and seen) evidence of Jayco roofs that not only sag, but ends that bow outwards and therefore leak and let dust in.
People will argue that since there are so many on the road they cant be that bad.
Well, in my humble opinion, it's simply because they are so much cheaper than the comparable product offered by Goldstream or Coromal that they will by default, sell more units - especially to the more budget conscience buyers.
There's nothing wrong with that, but remember it's like a cheap tool, it WILL NOT last as long - despite what people will say.
Buy Quality & you'll buy it once!
Cheers, Matt