Saturday, Apr 18, 2009 at 17:48
Struth whats our world commin too?.
1. I said it was nice to see DEC posting
2. I said it would be nice to be able to contact our poster by first name - any public Servant is allowed to use their first name in communications with the public if they don't want to be "identified" by exposing their surname, (and fair enough too).
3. My names immediately available thru a google search of Flywest, you'll find my web page with First name Shann and Surname Low - it is no secret, and never has been.
Conversely by searching DEC - I'll never deduce our posters first name in return.
4. I haven't been able to find any ability to add any more detail to my "visitors" mebership than whats already there - maybe it is possible for full (paid up) members but not visitors?. Anyone who can't discern
mine from my business name is perhaps somewhat computer illiterate? I've NEVER sought to hide from anything I post to the internet, unlike some others maybe.
5. While I'm at it, should anyone choose to google search my business name, and hence find my first and surnames - you will also find a link to my forums where your ALL welcome to
sign up for FREE, and post whatever you like. Thats a
forum I provide and web page etc at MY cost for others to do, just as I do here for free.
Quid pro quo and all that.
6. My request for a posters first name was two fold.
A) As a past DEC/CALM employee, two good friends left
Nannup and transfered to Kalgooorlie, and I was keen to see if they were still there perhaps, it would be nise to know whom I'm communicating with, and if it were either of them.
B) Regardless, it was my intention to write to the Kalgoorlie DEC / CALM manager and praise the releveant employee's actions for the initiative taken to keep people informed thru this
forum medium. Not knowing which employee is the poster - that action is not possible.
Re the comments:-
Serial whinger?
Long Posts?
I'll remember that, next time I'm tempted to devote a half hour or so to answering someone elses question at length, and in detail....and when replying to their emails etc asking my guidance for such things as the recent
forum Easter Nannup trip away, and the camping options available etc shall I?
I would suggest that people not ascribe imagined agenda's of their own, to my posts, and keep their negative opinions to themselves please.