Fox wing awning-initial thoughts and feedback

Submitted: Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 19:16
ThreadID: 68174 Views:3865 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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OK a few folk asked for some feedback on the awning after we got it fitted so here goes.

It's long, heavy and very easy to fit onto the Rhino HD, that is the square roof rails. Took around 45 minutes to read the instructions, check it all then fit it to our 120 Prado.

It also increases your height or lowers your clearance depending on how you look at it. I can get in and out of our garage with an empty roof basked but with the Foxwing attached then no deal. The compensating factor is that it is quite a simple process to get it on and off. But it weighs in around 17kgs so you are losing roof capacity if that is important which it isn't for us

Seems quiet enough up to 80 kph which is all the testing time we have had so far. Although you need a front bar on the Prado which we normally only run with the roof basket. But the bottom line is noise doesn't seem to be a problem so far

Apart from that very easy to use but we are off to Robe and Beachport next weekend so it will get a work out and half.

Looks like a good investment but we will know more after our weekend away training


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Reply By: troopyman - Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 19:47

Friday, Apr 24, 2009 at 19:47
It looks like it would be awesome in the rain especially with an oztent attached .
AnswerID: 361345

Reply By: Peter McG (Member, Melbourne) - Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 08:37

Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 08:37
We tested ours over Easter and it passed with flying colours. Very well made and easy to use.
It worked ok with the Opposite Lock roof rack. Kept the car much cooler
When parked.

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AnswerID: 361402

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