Saturday, Apr 25, 2009 at 08:23
Hi Jon
The rain held off for the Service. Only started drizzling on the walk
home. Once again, for the small
population of
Clare, less that 3000 people, there was a large crowd gathered of over 300 people to show their respects for all Australian War Campaigns, with lots of
young people and Vietnam Vets as
well. Hearing those special words of the Service makes us all very Proud of our Fore Bearers, knowing that those very
young boys and men did their Nation Proud, and were only going a job that they all had no idea of the final consequences. I say
young boys, as my Grandfather forged his parents signature to enlist and was only 17 when he left for his Service in the Middle East and Europe. He was one of the lucky ones and did return
home, but would never talk of his experiences of what he saw or did over there. Before the last post, were the morning calls of Crows and Magpies in the trees near by, a fitting tribute to so many Australians that went to War and were never to return
home and hear those truly Australian sounds again.
We will Remember Then