Camping North of Perth
Submitted: Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 15:43
This Thread has been Archived
Member - Broe (WA)
Hi y'all,
Just wondering if anyone know of some good camping spots half a days drive north of
Perth? Want to head up for a night only so want to be close and I normally always head south.
Reply By: Rod W - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 15:57
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 15:57
What so you can hoon around like you profile pictures imply.
Follow Up By: Member - Broe (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 16:07
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 16:07
Haha, hoon I am not, that is actually my mate in his brand new Prado trying to get through a soft
river crossing over on Fraser Island, I believe it was his 3rd attempt. bad driving skills I say.
No, purely want to take the daughter away as we promised her we would on the school holidays but never got the chance due to work commitments so having to do it without the benefit of a long weekend.
BTW, you should get into political cartoons or similar if you can interpret so much about a couple of pictures,
well done. I am assuming you belong to a 4x4 or caravan club too as most people who do come up with those sort of comments. One of the reasons why I left the club scene.
We all know what the word assume can be broken down into.
Follow Up By: Rod W - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 16:21
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 16:21
All right I'll stand corrected, but without you clarifying this it would always be assumed by me and everyone else it is of you... yes? / no?
Follow Up By: Member - Broe (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 16:33
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 16:33
No offence Rod but do you think it looks like a Hilux, if not, then do you think I would sell a new Prado (obvious by looking at the pictures) to buy a Hilux?
To end confusion would you like me to remove the pictures of the Prado.
Also, would you like me to rename this thread from "simple question on camping destinations" to "please pick on my social behaviour based on a couple of pictures of a 4x4 going through some water".
Follow Up By: Member - Tony & Julie (Malanda - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:11
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:11
Rod W - Its only a picture! Maybe you had a bad Day!
Broe - Left there in the 80s owned a
home at Beldon. There used to be a lot of spots just North of there but its a bit built up now :-) Came through last year and was flabbergasted by the areas now closed. I guess you will have to choose a Caravan Park at Burns Beach, North to
Two Rocks. That is always a nice bit of Coast. Lancilin maybe is getting a bit far, but when I drove north of it last year to
the pinnacles there were a few camps on
the beach. Maybe there were there illegally! but there is some great spots around there where I would pitch a
camp. Its always fun having a play on the sand hills at lancilin. Cheers Tony
Follow Up By: Member - Broe (WA) - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:21
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:21
Thanks Tony, Just had a look at
Lancelin and it doesn't seem out of reach.
Anywhere you recommend camping around there? Have you been to
Ledge Point?
Follow Up By: Member - Tony & Julie (Malanda - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:36
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:36
Broe. Yes I like
Ledge point as
well a bit plain but a good place to relax - can not remember about a park there though, you will have to
check that out. Its all great coastline. Problem is my old camping haunts are gone. We called back into all these
places last year to have a look and Yanchip &
Two Rocks will be the first
places to
check out, good beaches for Kids and you can catch a fish or two. After that I would do Lancilin - it is very popular on the weekend though and a lot hit the Sand Dunes in all manner of vehicles. Have fun, Cheers Tony
Reply By: Member - Tony & Julie (Malanda - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:39
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 17:39
A bit further North we used have a Caravan in a park at
Leeman. Both
Leeman and Jurian Bay are excellent
places, you can still drive along the coast to fish at various
places. I used to
camp at those
places when a lot younger. They are my choice spots Within a day of
Perth. Cheers Tony
Reply By: Kirk and Jeanette - Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 20:05
Wednesday, Apr 29, 2009 at 20:05
Wedge island. It is a fantastic spot just North of
Lancelin. Beautiful beaches and some good fishing. You need to travel for an hour or so on tracks or if the weather and conditions are right you can take half an hour on
the beach. The track inland is however the safest and a nice drive. Crack a beer as you leave
Lancelin. Drive on past the dunes at
Lancelin and basically follow the tracks. They go all over the place but most lead you to
the spot in the end.
Reply By: Bri - Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 00:27
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 00:27
Hi Broe
We spent 3 nights at
Ledge Point caravan park a couple of months ago. Nice park a bit $35 a night (peak period) and only 10 minutes from Lanclin
Reply By: mick - Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:23
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:23
Hey Broe!!
Try Moore River Caravan Park, it's right on the river mouth, facilities are good (just done some work) and only 1 hr north.
Good luck and enjoy with your daughter wherever it is you go.
Reply By: Bomber_WA - Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:09
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:09
Sandy Cape is about 10km north of
Jurien Bay. Large
campsite (no power) and a great little bay for swimming, fishing, exploring the rocks etc.
No bookings are taken so it is first in, best dressed.
Reply By: Member - Broe (WA) - Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:54
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:54
Thanks all, it seems after some internet research that
Sandy Cape will be the first I visit.
Once again, thanks for all the input.
Happy camping.
Reply By: ozwasp - Friday, May 01, 2009 at 12:36
Friday, May 01, 2009 at 12:36
Hi mate
We went up the Cervantes/Jurien over
Tried to get out at
Sandy Cape, but the track is shocking - scratched the bleep out of my Hilux with all the scrub vegetation.
In the end it was getting dark and had a flattened battery, from leaving the fridge on all day, so we went back to
Cervantes to be sure.
Cervantes is nice at the moment. I've been there twice in the last couple of months and there's no seaweed around.
We camped just north of town off
the beach (5mins back to town). It's a beautiful bay there and there aren't the people around like you get at
Wedge Island.
There is also no need to drive for 45mins on sand/dirt like there is get to Wedge, so
Cervantes takes about the same time to get to as Wedge.
If you're up in the Cervantes/Jurien area, be sure to
check out
Stockyard Gully caves. They are worth seeing and are on the Cockleshell Gully road, which is off the Greenhead to Corrow road.
Reply By: Member - Robert G (WA) - Monday, May 04, 2009 at 00:32
Monday, May 04, 2009 at 00:32
Hey Broe, I'll lodge a vote for Moore River as
well. Its got a lot to offer kids with safe swimming areas and great beaches inside and outside the river mouth, also sandboarding down the steeper sand faces at the river mouth or upstream, great bread & butter species fishing and nice grassed bbq areas too. You can whip up to Lancellin and have some fun in the dunes and drop into
seabird and
ledge point too. There is good 4wding and fishing heading south from Moore River alll the way to
Two Rocks as
well. Its a pretty good little base thats nice and close and easy to get too.
Reply By: Member - Broe (WA) - Monday, May 04, 2009 at 10:29
Monday, May 04, 2009 at 10:29
Many thanks Oz Wasp and Robert.
Sometimes it is the
places that you wouldn't expect that are often the best.
Not to keen on scratching the hilux unnecessarily.