Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 16:43
I have this BioD fact sheet (by AUSTRALIAN RENEWABLE FUELS PTY LTD) which says following:
"Storage, Handling and Distribution
Biodiesel is signifcantly safer than diesel. The storage and handling procedures for petroleum diesel can be used for biodiesel
also. The fuel is best stored in a dark, dry and clean environment, in storage tanks, preferably steel, aluminium, tefon,
fuorinated polyethylene or polypropylene. Materials which should be avoided include lead, copper, brass, tin and zinc.
Biodiesel has a fash point higher than diesel. Many diesel fuel suppliers recommend storing diesel for no more than three to six
months unless using a stabilizing additive. The current industry recommendation is that biodiesel or biodiesel blends also be
used within six months.
A longer shelf life is possible and storage enhancing additives can provide additional benefts. Acid numbers in biodiesel and
biodiesel blends will become elevated if the fuel ages, or if it was not properly manufactured. Raised acid numbers have been
associated with fuel system deposits and reduce the life of fuel pumps and flters.
Pure biodiesel and biodiesel blends should be stored at temperatures higher than the pour point of the fuel. Biodiesel blends
will not separate in the presence of water however it is recommended that good ‘housekeeping’ be maintained. This is in
respect to tank and fuel maintenance, to ensure water in storage systems is monitored and minimised. "
I guess you should also be careful about the fact there is BioD and there is BioD (winter blend, summer blend, backyard blend (LOL) etc). Cheers