In the current Overlander is an article on Dirt Road Driving under the heading..4WD Techniques. The name of the article is "Safe
Dirt Driving". NO ITS NOT!!!!. It is called "Fast & Loose". Who in
their right mind calls an article on safe dirt driving that?? Anyway
the following are direct quotes from the article...
...special tyres are preferred. The best are All Terrain or Mud Tyres
...letting a little air- say 20% down from manufacturers recommended settings will pay dividends..... Part time 4wd should engage 4wd for dirt roads to reduce wheelspin & improve handling.
Unlike bitumen roads, dirt roads dont present a risk of transmission
wind up... Ok, those comments appear in the "Preparation" segment & are not taken out of context. So we have our part time 4by in 4wd with muddies on at probably about 25psi. OK
no real problems there, is there??. Hang on, being in 4wd will use
a heap more fuel & soon take those muddies to pieces if driven
on a dry hard dirt road. I suggest the majority of trips on average
dirt roads are done by 2wd anyway, & they dont use muddies,
air down or 4wd. But we must move on. Under the next segment
..Techniques, appears this gem...And you need to learn to do something you dont do on bitumen, which is to vary your speed to the conditions... I wont dignify that stupidity by commenting
further. Try this one... If you need to brake on a dirt road then
how you do it depends on whether you have ABS or not. With ABS just slam the brakes on as hard as you can. ... Or this classic
...On dirt roads there is no dividing lines, so you pick your own route... What about this?....On some wide, long roads you may
drive on the wrong side if there is visibility. ...
And yet again ...On the dirt, the safe speed could vary from 10 to 100 kph & back again.... would you drive your 4by from 10 to 100 kph with the 4wd engaged ?. Part time 4bys I mean.
And with about 25 psi under you.
To support the theories , a few pics are included. One shows a car going up to a blind crest in the middle with this caption...
Crests are dangerous, this driver will need to slow down & move off the best line over the top, just in case... How bloody stupid do they think those that drive dirt roads are ? Have you ever seen the best line, that is smooth wheeltracks, going over a blind crest
in the middle of the road ? Traffic will keep left & the best line will be on the safest side of the road, from either direction.
Ok, I've vented my spleen & feel better for it. Please read this article & tell me if I'm over the top. If this is the best we can expect from the 4wd print media, it is a sad, sad thing....oldbaz.