
Submitted: Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003 at 23:32
ThreadID: 6875 Views:2512 Replies:7 FollowUps:6
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Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 11:24 am
From Outerlimits forum.
Otways update:

I was told this morning that not only will the otways be closed to 4X4s but they are going to totally ban ALL fishing from the coastline and immediate river networks aswell, thats ALL fishing ... amatures/recreational anglers included!!.
The ban will be from Geelong and go near to Warrnambool a distance of around 200ks as the crow flies or 4 hours behind the wheel if you drive the coastline. Personally I hate fishing (boring)and couldnt care less about that closurer but that gives you an idea of the mentallty behind our govt.

Wont be long and swimming or walking on the beaches will be outlawed aswell due to the enviromental issues that will nodoubt be raised by the narrow minded tree huggers assocation.
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Reply By: boobook - Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003 at 23:51

Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003 at 23:51

Where did you hear that? I am going there for a camping / fishing trip in September and this news puts a real dampener on it.

Do you know when it comes into effect?
It does sound strange, Lorne an Apollo Bay are still a little dependant on commercial fishing and open fishing along the coast is no different to say the east coast environmentally.

It would cause havock to the local tourist industry.

Hmm stranger things have happened under this government. How about spending $50Million fighting a losing legal battle and closing one of Vic's main tourist attractions arguing over the 1882 definition of dusk as a closing time at 5:30PM at Philip Island?

AnswerID: 29388

Follow Up By: Truckster (Vic) - Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003 at 23:55

Wednesday, Aug 27, 2003 at 23:55
I agree, I dont think it will happen, but it was on the OUterlimits4x4 list.

The start to all this was Monday, August 18, 2003

Subject: From 4WD Vic President

Dear all
I attach my article for Trackwatch next issue.
I urge wide distribution

Have I got your attention – I hope so because VEAC, the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council has been instructed to determine the boundaries of the new OTWAYS National Park. There is no discussion about whether there should be a new National Park but how big. The present plan is to close all the land south of the Princes Highway from Whittlesea to Cobden down to the coast.

The part about this plan that I like the most is that the Association was not even invited to sit on the reference committee which surprisingly enough has amongst others the VNPA and the OTWAYS and Geelong Environment groups. There is no representation for prospectors and miners, horse riding, bee keeping, trail bike riders, campers and other community groups.

I would also not be to concerned having regard to many issues that are being dealt with by the Association and Land Managers except for the result of the Lorne-Angahook Management Plan which has eliminated all four wheel driving and made that park into a 2 wheel drive visit to a pine posted picnic spot for only one section of the community.

Four Wheel Drive Victoria totally opposes the creation of a National Park in this area and the extension of the Lorne-Angahook to OTWAYS plan.

Some of the issues:
¨ Economic detriment to area both to local communities, commercial operators (chamber of commerce), recreation and farmers.
¨ Great plan no money to manage. Parks Victoria is responsible for National Parks without significant increases in State funding the parks can only be closed.
¨ National Park prohibition on four wheel driving, horse riding, trail bike riding, bee keeping, camping (except in over exposed limited area- permit required), wood collecting, farming.
¨ National Park prohibition on logging destroying biodiversity of forest ecology. No logging, no fuel reduction, no fire and no wood removal creates old forest. Only one ecosystem lives in old forest. Presently many ecosystems reside in a forest with changing environment.
¨ Track closure.
¨ No camping and certainly no vehicle based camping.
¨ Scientific information ignored.

What has happened in Lorne-Angahook and the OTWAYS Park is what WILL happen for the BIG PLAN. All recreational activity as we know it today will be stopped. From an Association point of view it is hard to understand why this plan is being pushed to the exclusion of wide consultation when there appears to be no mandate as the matter was not a policy issue for the last election. The Government’s previous published position was to make Lorne-Angahook a National Park. Never the less the Government is responsible to all Victorians. The Association also represents a large group of recreationalists and we too have the right and the obligation to ensure that access to our parks and forests is available to all user groups.

The real way to make a difference is to write a personal letter to the Premier and the Minister for the Environment and YOUR local member to oppose the creation of this National Park. If you live in Mildura or Gippsland there are very interested independent members of Parliament. If you need an address to write your letter log onto http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/mps.html . Have your club get involved in meeting with your local member of Parliament and letting them know your views as well as writing individual letters.

It is interesting to consider that our Association has worked very hard with Parks Victoria to develop a memorandum of understanding to ensure that we have access to the Parks and Forests for all user groups. Victoria and the south east in particular has huge visitation from many and varied groups of people this plan will surely have the desired effect of stopping thousands of visitors and restricting everyone to GAGA land where you only hear and see what the State what you to know. Maybe Orson Welles was right?

Michael Coldham

FollowupID: 20488

Reply By: Member - Toonfish - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 00:06

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 00:06
heard the same thing via enviroment people pity about that will be ken to see what develops i usually go for a week in oct but not now 4wd tracks maybe i could deal with short term but with fishing on top after shelling out for boat trailer rego and fishing licenses then tax on bait and tackle (yet another tax).
i can see tourism dropping off at the cost of dollars and jobs .

Might as well check out the desert they need the green stuff more up that way me thinks !1999 NISSAN NAVARA DUALCAB
AnswerID: 29390

Reply By: boobook - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 00:22

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 00:22

You are definitely on to something, I followed some links for the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council whoever they are. Looks like Vic government logic applies again.

I don't think this is a short term issue - before my trip in Sept :-) but they are cooking up something.

there is more information at


I haven't read it all yet but thre are plans to restrict access. Thsi would be a disaster.

AnswerID: 29393

Reply By: GaryInOz (Vic) - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 08:31

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 08:31
Wait till it all goes up in flames during the next lot of bushfires. CFA will say they can't be expected to do ALL the fire access track maintanance, and everyone will realise that the 4WD/bushwalking/fishing/other movements are the ones that do the hard yakka on the tracks, and to a degree keep the ground fuel down too. Look what happened to Canberra when the Greenies locked up the land adjacent to residential areas.....(you would reckon the Pollies would learn)

I believe this is the angle we should be using. We need to target the extreme Green movement about being responsible for their actions. If a house goes up or someone dies up during a preventable bushfire due to lack of access to the area for firebreaks/backburning/etc., then every level of the judicial process should be used to seek adequate compensation from the Green movement and the individuals responsible..

Don't get me wrong, I am not totally against ensuring that our wilderness does not fall to the developers, I just don't want to see it fall to the "undevelopers" either. It is both nobodys land and everybodys land, no one "owns" it, and everyone should have reasonable access to it.

::step down off soapbox::
AnswerID: 29404

Reply By: Aussieducker - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 08:57

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 08:57
Hi all,
closing down of access to State Forests and tracks is also happening here in Qld, the greenies again. We are going through the same process, writing letters to pollies, petitions, meetings, etc. Here's hoping that we get the desired outcome.
AnswerID: 29406

Reply By: Willie - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:39

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 09:39
This is all hype.

If all respondents checked out the facts then maybe a grain of truth may appear somewhere.

I don't know the truth so I am relying on someone else in Victoria to find out what is really happening and post some sensible material on this forum.

Posting stuff like this is going down the same path as the TV programs you critisize so much.

The greenies get blamed for everything.......frankly they do not represent a large proportion of the community....so how is it possible for them to have such a big impact?

Check your facts.

Never a dull moment
AnswerID: 29410

Follow Up By: Alan H - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 11:34

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 11:34
Small minority they may be, but because of the noise they make the pollies sit up and listen ....... and they act upon advice from these people because it's good to be seen to be green these days.
The anti gun movement is the same, make lots of noise, blame the licensed shooters for all "armed crime" irrespective of whether it was a shovel or a gun used in a crime, distort out of all proportion anything involving guns, and get the media on their side.
And the media fully live up to their reputation of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story, and there you have it, something for the stupid pollies to put forward as a platform for re-election ........
"Cut gun crime and save the forests"!
Seems to work every time. I do believe I'm becoming cynical!
FollowupID: 20515

Follow Up By: GUPatrol - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:37

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:37
Here is another source:

FollowupID: 20524

Reply By: yarda - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:16

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:16
Don't worry too much Truckster, if the Gov't keep on killing the funding for Parks vic etc. then there wont be anyone left to enforce any of these closures !!!

It sure is a shame when public land becomes available only to a priveliged few - They call that communisim don't they ?? It sure is a SHIZA situation but if we all ensure that we look after all areas we visit and don't give them any valid reason to attack us recreational users then we might stand a chance. Cheers Brad
AnswerID: 29435

Follow Up By: Alan H - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:57

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 12:57
You're right Brad, don't give them any excuse to stop access to beaches or bush. The amount of rubbish left around in even the most remote places can be disgusting.
In metro areas some of the blame can be put with local councils who refuse to take so much rubbish at the tips these days, unless you pay extra on top of yearly rates for the privilige of getting rid of it.
Many road side stops don't have bins now because it costs money to provide a collection service. That's all right with me but not for some people who just dump it and leave the site.
If you take it in, you should take it out, there'll be a bin at the next town to put it in.
FollowupID: 20530

Follow Up By: Coops (Pilbara) - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 15:48

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 15:48
all good in theory Alan but it just doesn't work does it ?
You & I and all the users of this site might be doing the right thing but every other bastard is destroying the place
FollowupID: 20554

Follow Up By: Alan H - Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 16:23

Thursday, Aug 28, 2003 at 16:23
Environment vandalism has been going on for ever Coops, I remember 20 odd years ago climbing to the top of a hill, North out of Telfer, with a mate, thinking we may have been the only ones to have bothered doing it. What a disappointment, bottles, cans, fag butts, bog paper, you name it, it was there.
But it's not just the happy campers, just look at the destruction by the biggest vandals of the lot, the mining companies.
They may well claim to be "environmentally responsible citizens" now, but if it wasn't for all the regulations bought out to stop them, they'd trash it and leave it as they did years ago.
We used to burn the oil waste, hundreds of thousands of gallons of it, because it was too expensive to backload it out to Perth. If it wasn't drained into the oil pond to await burning, we were told to drop the pick and cut a rip to drop the oil into.
And I bet it still goes on now!
I get depressed talking about it.
FollowupID: 20558

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