Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 08:52
Hi Rob,
Asking for info about the GU 3.0TD Nissan brings a howl of disaster on this
forum! While this motor does has more than its fair share of problems, a bunch of owners have pretty much worked out how to fix what Nissan should have done originally. Jump on to the Patrol
forum and you will find a wealth of info there.
I used to own a 2003 GU and went thru the same questions you have. I had a
snorkel fitted from new, but that was for water crossing insurance and not for power gains (won't help power IMHO).
I fitted a Dtronic and found it had a significant improvement. It certainly helped the bottom end power, especially the 900 - 1500rpm band. Less than 900rpm was still an issue (comparing to my old 1HZ 80 series).
After reading about the EGR and MAF issues, I blocked my EGR valve and never looked back. This significantly improved any turbo lag and I kept the vehicle like this for 5 years. I was very happy with the power and economy, and while the bottom end power wasn't quite what I would like, it was acceptable. I never had an issue with motor reliability (but do acknowledge others have).
Now others in my 4WD club have also added the big
bore exhaust and LPG gas and they were of the opinion that if they had their time again they would do the following in this order;
1) EGR block (free)
2) Dtronic (~$500 2nd hand - $1400 new)
3) Big
bore exhaust (~$1000).
Those who did the LPG gas wouldn't do it again, not only did they have issues with reliability (mainly installation related issues) but the need to fill with diesel then move to the LPG bowser meant they often didn't fill the LPG tank, (as
well as availability in
places). Also, the loss of the sub tank affects range.
I have a large pdf file (~7Mb) from the Patrol
forum that has been complied from owners around the world for 3.0TD fixes. if you want a copy, get my email address from my profile below and let me know.