Vic Roads - What more can you say

Submitted: Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 09:24
ThreadID: 69318 Views:2917 Replies:2 FollowUps:4
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Hubby went to VicRoads on Wed to get the caravan we just purchased regisitered in Vic , we purchased it from people in NSW. Now the van is a Standard 25' Jayco Heritage. All was going well untill the person advised that the measurments from the middle of the tandem axel was too long to the end of the "A" frame (Front) so it can't be regisitered. Hubby said "you've got to be joking, this is a standard van, it is currently registered in NSW and that others are on the road Australia wide, you must have it wrong."
Wrong they did have and after almost 2hrs for an inspection that at most should have taken 20mins & a few phone calls to the little man sitting in his back office thinking of some more ways to jerk people around or rip them off they said that the measurement shound only be to the front of the actual Van and the Van could be registered. They charged him an inspection fee of $37 GST inc on top of the rego fee . Given the fact that he was late for his afternoon job (casual) by about an hour he is going to try and get the inspection fee back as part of loss of wages.
What chance do you think he'll have of that? (Buckley's)
Has anyone else ever had this problem?
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Reply By: OzTroopy - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 09:48

Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 09:48
Sounds the same as wiggers issue with his load measurements the other day.

Beaurocrats relying on noncommittal, conflicting, gobbledygook govt publications, interpretated whilst sitting in an airconditioned office rather than having practical, handson experience and commonsense.

Wanted to move a shipping container / portable workshop last year in NSW ... so was directed after several phone calls and hours of being on hold, to the shipping container rules dept.

Its not a shipping container anymore apparently ... its a "portable building" ... so back to square one and more phone calls.

As the item was just over the 2.5m (with additions) and a wideload - I asked whether the rear of the load should be covered so as approaching, overtaking drivers didnt have a false impression of the width ( containers are only 2.4m ).

Not needed apparently ... It was nice to find out that the wide load signs covered the legalities in the event of contact by an overtaking vehicle ... pffffft .... I'de rather have no vehicle contact at all ...thankyou very much.

AnswerID: 367552

Follow Up By: Curlynan - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 09:59

Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 09:59
** forgot to mention that the original measurement was too long by 7cm...absolute joke.
FollowupID: 635197

Reply By: Ray - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 11:25

Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 11:25
My son had experience with a camper registration in W.A. It is an American camper previously registered in Victoria and had the door on the off side. the W.A. people refused to register it because of this BUT for $50.00 they gave him a dispensation. I asked my son if he got a receipt for the dispensation to which he said no. I would expect that the $50.00 went into somebodies pocket.
They also mad him have the gas cooker system modified.
Now this was a wind up camper so there was no possibility that he could step through the door into traffic so I consider the traffic offices reason was a load of bull bleep as I always use the offside door of my car to get in and out.
AnswerID: 367569

Follow Up By: Member - Bentaxle - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 12:31

Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 12:31
From my own experiences I reckon some of these inspectors are wannabe motor mechanics, or should that be auto technicians, but they can't get or hold a job in the real world.

May the fleas of a thousand afghan camels infect the crutch of your enemy and may their arms be too short to scratch.

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FollowupID: 635213

Follow Up By: Member - Graham H (QLD) - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 16:46

Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 16:46
From what I can make out it is actually illegal to have only a r/hand door on a van.
Saw a big USA made 5th wheeler the other day that had a door cut in the l/h side but when they got into the park they used the original r/h door which still had the steps etc and obviously the new one was just for show.
FollowupID: 635254

Follow Up By: DIO - Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 21:17

Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 21:17
Ray, at the risk of being accused of stating the bleeding obvious, Victoria and Western Australia are two different states, independent of each other on opposite sides of this continent of Australia. So happens that South Australia is in the middle. they all have varying laws, rules, regulations, interpretations etc. For some time now there have been attempts to coordinate a realistic approach to managing the Murray Darling basin water resources. Hell of a bun fight, Victoria as usual spat the dummy and didn't want to be party to anything that might benefit someone else. Strange how people from all across Australia rallied to the aid of the recent bushfire victims. South Australia apparently taking action in High Court against Victoria and I now understand that NSW might also get a piece of the action against 'the mexicans'. Wonderful country we live in eh !!!!!!
FollowupID: 635304

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