Auxilliary Battery replacement

Submitted: Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:16
ThreadID: 69388 Views:2396 Replies:6 FollowUps:2
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Well some of you might remember the last aux battery replacement in the Patrol. The one where we learned NOT to use a reciprocating saw to trim the plastic strengthening off the ends of the battery. Hmm well the patch worked sort of, and it has only leaked a little in 4 years,almost to the day.

Now the new 105 a-h battery is fitted, all fingers are toes intact albeit bloody cold and I got to wondering. I guess aI am OK with 4 years from a battery that is flat then charged etc, and the old battery is still OK re the fluid levels but it doesn't like running the inverter.

Is 4 years average life for a auxilliary battery?

Smart arse replies regarding my mechanical abilities are also welcomed.

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Reply By: viz - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:43

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:43
4 year is good, though modern batteries [e.g. AGM type] could probably do more if had a low voltage cutout installed in the circuit. Battery life is governed as much by how often it goes flat as well as the quality of the charge, and how much work has to do.

AnswerID: 367830

Reply By: Jedo_03 - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:43

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:43
Hi Bonz

Batteries are not my forte - I just know as much as the next guy... BUT... If you got 4 years out of an Aux battery that was flat/charged/flat charged...&c then you are probly doing well... You will now get a heap of advice on what you SHOULD have done to get an extra year or two out of it...
I will desist from smart-arse comments re your electro-mechanical abilities as yours are probly better than mine...
AnswerID: 367831

Reply By: Roach"ee" - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:45

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 20:45
Mate, 4 years sounds pretty good for the caning you're likely to have given the poor damn thing!!!! hahahaha


AnswerID: 367832

Reply By: Members Paul and Melissa (VIC) - Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 22:34

Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 22:34
I got 4 odd out of my last Remco AGM and it was also underbonnet which is a no no. i was poorly cycled/flattened/shorted etc etc.i now have a Haze 100ah Gel in its place so we will see how long it lasts(about 1 yr old now)
AnswerID: 367850

Reply By: Russ n Sue - Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 00:24

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 00:24
G'day Bonz,

here is a quote from a reply I did to a different forum. The difference was that the batteries in question were in a caravan, so when you see the word "van", substitute "car".

"The variables are:

What type of battery are they?
What is the quality of manufacture?
What have they been used for?
Have they been on float charge while the van has been idle?
How deeply have they been discharged?
How often have they been deeply discharged?
Have they been charged at the correct rate?
Have they been charged to the correct voltage?
Have they been given a boost charge and if so, how often?
Have they exceeded 40 degrees celcius and how often?

I can't even help you with a rule of thumb life expectancy without knowing the anwers to many of the above.

As a guide, AGM batteries, looked after optimally, will last about 7000 charge/discharge cycles if discharged by no more than 20% of their rated capacity. (That is, 80% capacity left after discharge).

However, if discharged to 50% they will last only about 2000 charge/discharge cycles.

If they are discharged by 80% (virtually dead flat) you would be lucky to get 300 charge/discharge cycles.

Not leaving batteries (except AGM types) on float charge while the van is idle is another killer. The batteries get a condition called Sulphation and this can kill them very quickly.

I think four years is probably on the money if you are not familiar with the principles and techniques that can extend their life." end of quote

Bonz,I got my figures from a webpage that went quite deeply into battery life and battery maintenance. I've changed PC's since then and I'll have to dig up the link when I get some time. I'll post it when I do, it's very informative.


AnswerID: 367855

Reply By: Member No 1- Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 08:04

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 08:04
not all of us are aware of your mechanical abilities....What Did You Do Wrong?......
AnswerID: 367865

Follow Up By: Roach"ee" - Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 08:25

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 08:25

Our Bonz has a reputation far and wide (spread by the former member LUCY with great delight).

The saga of incidents is quite long and I can't even recall most of them.

Bonz himself has alluded to one incident. The battery about which he now has some concerns, was deemed to be too long for the tray space available when it was purchased. "No problems", says Bonz, "I'll just trim some of this excess plastic off the casing with my you-beaut electric reciprocating saw". Bonz proceeded to trim the battery casing PLUS half of his hand.

It got to the point where anybody who knows Bonz, would immediately call 000 and set up a safe perimeter of not less than 200 meters whenever they spied him in his workshop with anything in his hands that vaguely resembled an electrical device......... ;-)

FollowupID: 635454

Follow Up By: Member No 1- Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 10:16

Monday, Jun 01, 2009 at 10:16
thanks for the safety tip
FollowupID: 635466

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