Road Service Numbers from sat phones

Submitted: Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:00
ThreadID: 70000 Views:2863 Replies:7 FollowUps:1
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After an incident last week where we were trying to arrange for a a towtruck I have become aware that you cannot access 13 or 1800 numbers from a sat phone. we tried from both global star and irridium services.

For information of NRMA members their land line number for road service call centre is 02-87416000
you may like to record in your essential number list for when travelling remote

The party involved were also unable to contact their insurer until we got back to a town with next g service as the insurer also only listed a 1800 number.

It would seem these call centres bar calls from sat services. interestingly a call from the same phone number when in next g mode was accepted.

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Reply By: Gone Bush (WA) - Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:44

Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:44
That's interesting and good to know Howard.

I'll have to get some regular land-line numbers from my insurance company and roadside people.

Thanks for the heads up.


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AnswerID: 371018

Reply By: Member - Dick (Int) - Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:05

Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:05
Howard, Very useful. Thanks for passing this on to us.


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AnswerID: 371020

Reply By: olcoolone - Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:13

Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:13
I'll have to try it from our Optus sat phone and see what happens.

On our free call and cost of local call numbers we can restricted who phones us but satellite numbers are not part of it.

It may have to do with most satellite phones are reconised as international calls and 13, 1800 ans 1300 numbers can only be accessed whilst in the country of origion.
AnswerID: 371022

Follow Up By: BenDiD - Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 13:36

Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 13:36
I think that's right olcoolone. I had similar problems when overseas a few years ago - the only travel agent numbers for here that I had were 1800 and I couldn't get through. Lucky I could just look them up on the net . . . although it begs the question of what sort of moron sends you an itinerary for n OS trip with contact numbers that can't be accessed while OS . ..
FollowupID: 638337

Reply By: olcoolone - Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 14:39

Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 14:39
We don't provide alternative numbers for overseas calls but we don't deal overseas.

The should give you another standard number as all the 13,1800 and 1300 are linked to a conventional number.

These numbers are very powerful is used properly, we can restrict numbers from local, std and mobile as well as blocking areas we don't want or diverting to another number for an area.

We will have try our satellite phone that is on Optus and is an Australian service only.
AnswerID: 371031

Reply By: Member - Howard (ACT) - Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 14:46

Saturday, Jun 20, 2009 at 14:46
I am well aware that the numbers I need to get is what is known as the termination number for the 13, 1800 etc service
in my former life I have been involved in setting telephone systems for call centres for government agencies.
I have now made representation to NRMA to publish such numbers pointing out that while 98 % of the population might have telephone coverage 98% of the country doesnt.
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AnswerID: 371032

Reply By: Rossc0 - Sunday, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:44

Sunday, Jun 21, 2009 at 09:44
For RACQ it is:

07 3361 2888

It does not go directly to roadside assistance but to their general telephone queue which also does not use the voice recognition access. You can then be redirected to roadside assistance.

For other states I suggest you ring the relevant service and ask them.

AnswerID: 371132

Reply By: Member -Outback Mac C (VIC) - Monday, Jun 22, 2009 at 08:29

Monday, Jun 22, 2009 at 08:29
Good to see you safely home Howard; great to meet you on the road. Hope the others are OK now and the troopy gets back on the road. have updated roadservice numbers.
Cheers Mac
AnswerID: 371279

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