Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 19:57
I think you will find that none of the money goes to Kidmans as the site is not theirs.
In 1964 the Queensland government excised an area of land around it from
Nappa Merrie to create what is known as a Reserve for Memorial Purposes. The Royal Historical Society of Queensland are the trustees but management was, and still is carried out Stanbroke Pastoral Company which leased
Nappa Merrie at the time. I understand that Kidmans only took up the lease in early 2007 and that will expire in 2014.
Anyway, the Reserve is now in the hands of Stanbroke Pastoral, the Royal Historical Society of Queensland and Bulloo Shire Council. The Qld Dept of Environment and
Heritage puts up the signage but that quiet achiever, Dick Smith, pays the for it as he quietly does in so many
places of historical interest throughout Australia.