Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 22:07
Ill second that. We have done a few trips with Ken & Olga for yeas now. Love their company and Ken really knows his stuff. Also Ken is a mechanic so very handy if you have any mechanical bad luck when away, he knows a few tricks or two. We also class them as very good friends of ours, always on the blower or emails to each other if not the wife and I are following them some where on tour. They are located west of Penrith website is
http://www.4wdtours.net.au/tourlist.asp?id=7 They run day tours, training, weekend tours, or weeks away at a time... Worth every cent. We did the high Country with them a few years ago, loved every bit of it and waiting to go again, (have to wate for the 16month old to get a bit older now) and numerous other trips, the day ones are fun too...the others we have used were Getabout Tours located at Prospect (Near Blacktown)
John & Julie, we have also been away with them and had a blast of a time as
well BUT they were bought out by NRMA so when making a booking you use them now BUT
John & Julie and a few others they employ still do the tours... Personally I think any tag along tour is
well worth the money especially if your first timers, plus my wife and I enjoy the company of others and new people and hearing some great storys..... All the best with it. Cant say Pat I recall meeting you but hopefully will some where along the way....... Regards Steve