Marble Bar to Callawa to Telegraph Trk to Anna Plains
Submitted: Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 at 22:56
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Member - John Baas (WA)
Hi all, does anyone have any experience of the Telegraph Trk (NE of
Marble Bar) between Callawa and Anna Plains as an option to get to the NWC Hwy and on to
Broome pls.
The track can be seen using this site's mapping and crosses the Kidman Trk.
Reply By: Tessysdad - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 01:23
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 01:23
If you are looking for a direct route to travel from
Newman through
Nullagine and
Marble Bar through to Great Northern Highway you can head 26 km N from
Marble Bar and turn right to travel along a very good gravel road to
Shay Gap via Muccan (nice spot for an
overnight camp on the DeGrey River) and then continue north along Boreline Road to the Great Northern Highway about 43 km ENE of Pardoo Roadhouse (96km WSW of Sandfire Roadhouse). We travelled this route (reverse direction) when we went from
Broome to
Newman in Late May this year. The worse bit of road on the trip was between
Nullagine and
Newman because of some rather heavy corrugations at times. The rest was pretty good, even with a heavy shower of rain just before we approached
Nullagine. We were towing a 6.4m dirt road caravan. Its quite a picturesque route and cuts off a lot of K's when compared with folllowing the black top out of
Marble Bar. Another plus is that we saw only two other vehicles between GNH and
Marble Bar. Unfortunately I don't know about going out through Callawa.
Happy camping,
Mike and Jan.
Follow Up By: Member - John Baas (WA) - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:25
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:25
Thanks M&J, that route via Muccan was my 'fall back' option. Which, given Andy's input subsequently, is what I'll now do. Looking fwd to it. Cheers.
Reply By: andy - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 02:53
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 02:53
the Callawa Track from the Kidson track to Marblebar was already heavily
overgrown a few years back. We gave up to follow it further south after
approx 10 kilometers. Its a pity as there is very nice country to be seen
along it. Very little is left of the old telegraph line.
We were also interested in the track going North to the Annaplains Track. The section branching north off the Kidson does not exist anymore and if it would,
you would meet closed gates to get back to the GNHWY.
Follow Up By: Member - John Baas (WA) - Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:26
Wednesday, Jul 01, 2009 at 11:26
Thks Andy, I suspected as much.
Instead, I'll use the Boreline Rd via Muccan as per M&J's suggestion.