SWMBO thinks I should buy a camper trailer for when I go fishing or prospecting.
Submitted: Thursday, Jul 09, 2009 at 16:04
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Member - Boo Boo (NSW)
So first port of call was the 'Trader then ebay to get an idea of prices.
When I looked at ebey I saw several new campers that appeared to be chinese, even though they said they were aussie built, that were supposedly worth 16k going for around 6k.
The even stranger part was there was no opportunity to have a look at one because they were based in a 'logistic shed'.
Has anyone had any experience with these campers?
I have set my budget at 5k an I think I should get a fairly good used one for that money.
Your thoughts please.
I was going to settle for a tent but the good women said she was past the tenting days!
Reply By: Explorer Campers and Canvas - Thursday, Jul 09, 2009 at 17:00
Thursday, Jul 09, 2009 at 17:00
Hi BooBoo,
Chances you are absolutely right, that the products on e-bay etc, (especially when they are held in a logistics shed) are indeed simply chinese imported tents wacked onto a very cheap trailer.... Something we would strongly advise against.
If you have a budget of 5K, you should find a second hand aussie made camper (may have seen some travel though), but you will have trouble finding a brand new one for under 8K that is of any sort of quality.
Feel free to give us a call, for a few more G's you and your wife can have yourselves a brand new Explorer Camper - our Blaxland On-road trailers start from $7,999.
Reply By: Gunna Do - Thursday, Jul 09, 2009 at 18:16
Thursday, Jul 09, 2009 at 18:16
Check out some secondhand campers, perhaps on the TRADER here. There are some bargains out there which have a lot of extras included in the price. Buying new is great, but after the first trip it is secondhand anyway.
Just something to consider.
We bought secondhand off the TRADER here, and could not be happier with the camper we got as
well as all the extras that were included.