outboard mounting

Submitted: Monday, Sep 08, 2003 at 15:14
ThreadID: 7104 Views:2023 Replies:2 FollowUps:0
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Where to stow our 9.9hp outboard on campertrailer(jayco offroad swift) is the problem when travelling. On or in tow veh. is out of the question because of how our veh, is set up. At present O/B goes on floor inside camper when mobile but for overnight stops enroute to camp is a pain as it has to come out, obviously.
Spare wheel is mounted on bumper at rear of camper and I'd say is at it's safe limit of carrying capacity. This leaves the A frame where it appears there is enough space to mount O/B transversely in front of gas cyl. and jerrycan frames.
If anyone has engineered a mounting of this type or knows of somewhere in Perth who can do the job, your information would be appreciated.
Thanks DRC
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Reply By: Hugh - Monday, Sep 08, 2003 at 23:53

Monday, Sep 08, 2003 at 23:53
Hi Michael,

Give these guys a try. They conduct mobile trailer maintenance and repair (incl fabrication and welding). Service is excellent and price very fair. I'm sure they could sort something out for you.


Regards, Hugh
AnswerID: 30533

Reply By: tessa_51 - Tuesday, Sep 09, 2003 at 07:33

Tuesday, Sep 09, 2003 at 07:33
G'day Michael
I don't have an answer for you unfortunately, but as the owner of a Jayco Eagle Outback can I ask have you considered what effect putting the o/b on the drawbar will have on your ball weight. I am convinced that Mr Jayco has that ridiculous rear bumper sticking out the back with the spare wheel hanging off it in some attempt to reduce the ball weight. When you have a full gas bottle and two full jerries on the front I don't think you can afford to add the weight of an outboard (and your new bracket) even closer to the coupling!

Good luck

AnswerID: 30543

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