8o series standard rear door handle advice.

Submitted: Sunday, Feb 03, 2002 at 01:00
ThreadID: 715 Views:2779 Replies:1 FollowUps:1
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No so much a question, but some advice to owners of standard 80 series wagons ( barn door type)
The rear lift-up plastic handle is definitely a weak point, as I found out in Broome, but the replacement part lists as the WHOLE unit, number-plate lights and all, at around $180.00! Never fear.. be persistent because you CAN buy the assembly minus the lights for around $48.00, and it takes only a couple of minutes to fit your lights in and install into the rear door.
Get your dealer to ring up, say Patterson Cheney in Melbourne to supply this if they don't stock it. ( Broome toyota couldn't supply this to me, but the local(excellent)Broome wreckers got me the genuine part up from Perth...couldn't work that out, but boy was I astonished!
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Reply By: Steve - Monday, Feb 11, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Feb 11, 2002 at 01:00
Chris, I also own an 80 Series standard. I have not had such problems with the left hand barn door (yet) more so with the larger right one. My problem has been with the handle to release that door breaking constantly. The only thing I have found to fix it is to put weight on the door to take the pressure off the coupling. This has been the only cure I have found so far, this handle lasting almost 12 months. Broken Hill Toyota charged me $30 for a replacement plastic one, do you know if anyone makes a steel replacment peice for this handle? Cheers....
AnswerID: 2052

Follow Up By: Chris - Monday, Feb 11, 2002 at 01:00

Monday, Feb 11, 2002 at 01:00
Wow Steve! My right hand door opens fine..it CAN stick after some hard work esp off road, but I use some silicon spray or innox to keep all the hinges and catches free and easy. I've got a few other hints and ideas regarding some additions and fittings I made for the cruiser, inc. drawers, camping unit ( slide in) and cargo barrier, also a console ( roof) and a few other bits. If you want to chat about it. either email me on darnumps@sympac.com.au or respond via this forum!
FollowupID: 712

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