Saturday, Jan 09, 2010 at 10:12
The old bush washing machine.
Get a large bucket with a snap on lid. Put in dirty clothes, washing powder or liquid, water to just cover clothes. Put lid on securely and drive all day. End of day just rinse and dry.
This usually provides enough agitation to clean most clothes unless they are beyond cleaning. Which some of
mine get to.
There was also the story told to me by a coach driver mate of
mine, of a regular passenger of his who would do a 28 day trip with only one change of clothes and a stock of jocks/socks, apart from those he was wearing. Every few days in larger towns he would look for an opp
shop and buy another set or 2 of clothes. Only ever bought new jocks and socks.
He reckoned it was a cheap way to travel and saved the hassle of lugging big bags and trying to figure out
what to take.