Portable airconditioners in c/vans ???

Submitted: Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:13
ThreadID: 75095 Views:15175 Replies:11 FollowUps:4
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3 years ago we were silly enough to have a Heron Q airconditioner fitted into our then being built Coromal 17 foot pop top. What a waste of $2000. It has no guts. Its site doesn't face the bed and the unit now needs yet another service.

I am wondering are we better to bite the bullet and pull the 3 year old Heron out and send it to the tip. At least that way we get a hole for TV and lose about 60kg of weight. AND replace it with a portable aircon unit that one sees in Harvey Norman etc stores.

I am prepared to drill a hole in the floor to pull in fresh air and to empty a reservoir of condensation water periodically.

Has anyone had any success with these portable jobs. Please name the successful experience brands and models and their prices.

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Reply By: xcamper - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:36

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:36
We have never had any success with portable air conditioners for cooling, either in a van, or in a house. They make really good space heaters. We tried the hole in the floor , but the exhaust is like a radiator, and just generates heat.
Well, that is our opinion, we would never recommend them .
doreen and pete
AnswerID: 398851

Follow Up By: Member - Neville & Sally C (VI - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 18:04

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 18:04
Yep, you're right about the exhaust.I forgot about that as I sit inside on the cool end, with the exhaust outside. It wouldn't be good in a Caravan Park. I'll note down this split system thing for our van if we ever get it. Bye Sally.
FollowupID: 667827

Reply By: Ozhumvee - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:36

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:36
This was discussed on the CMCA forum at some length, basically the answer was they are very inefficient and use way more power than they should, A couple of posters reckoned they were unable to get more than 8-10 deg below ambient.
The efficiency was around 1.5 to 1 where a normal split sytem a/c unit was around 3 or 3.5 to 1 from memory.
Plenty of travellers are very happy with a domestic inverter split system installed in their van or motorhome. Much more efficient, cheaper and quieter.
AnswerID: 398852

Reply By: Member - Old Girl (QLD) - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:37

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:37
Benny Benny I hate mine too. Not because it doesn't work properly it works a treat in 40 Deg days out bush and 100% humidity in the Capricorn but sooo sooo noisy. When people are close to us which fortunately they are not at the moment i feel bad having it on and suffer instead so as not to cause cranky neighbours.
AnswerID: 398853

Follow Up By: Member - Old Girl (QLD) - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:40

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:40
Mines a 2.2 Heron split system.
FollowupID: 667821

Reply By: Member - mazcan - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:46

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:46
hi bennzybit
my daughter had one it was very niosy heavy on electricty and the exhaust gave off a lot of heat and you could hardly feel any benefit for having it on imho dont buy one
AnswerID: 398855

Reply By: Member - Neville & Sally C (VI - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:55

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 17:55
Hi Bennyzbit, We have a portable DC Dimplex in our home. It has dual modes, Just water cooled or it has cooling to compliment. No, it would be too big and heavy for your van but I think you can get smaller ones .It does a great job in an open plan house! Of course, the bigger the motor the better. We have ours on a stand and wheels high enough to drain water into a large bowl with a lip. I think storage when travelling may be an issue too. You'll probably get replys from other people who have caravans with far better air cons. I just thought I'd tell you how we feel about these type of coolers. I'll be watching the replies as in a couple of years we home to go from a tent to a small van. Take care. Safe travels. Bye, Sally.
AnswerID: 398856

Reply By: Member - Alan John C (WA) - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 18:09

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 18:09
Benny why not look at puting refrigerated version on the pop top it can be done as I have seen it at george days on Windsor pop tops they are lower in hight than the aircomand heater type and are more economical to run the little extra weight when you go to pop the top but no noise.

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AnswerID: 398857

Reply By: Trevor R (QLD) - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 19:40

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 19:40

I have two portable a/c's and both have cooled my 16ft (internal) poptop Supreme Getaway without any fuss in NQ summers. Others have pointed out the negatives like hot air pipe, noisy and emptying water but either I have learnt to live with it (noise) or plumbed it so as not to have to empty water and exhaust pipe plumbed to get rid of the heat without heating internally. The two models I have are: Dimplex DAC 9001 and an older Hotpoint MAC 80. My daughter's room in our house is still cooled by the Dimplex as I type.

The biggest issue I have with them is their bulk and weight, where do you store them safely in a van without having to bust your pooper valve lifting it in our out of it's storage place?

My two bobs worth.
AnswerID: 398868

Reply By: Member - Bruce T (SA) - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 21:21

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 21:21
Hi Bennyzbit,

Where are you? We are in South Oz. We bought a Coromal in 2005 and the ac just never worked. It was Heron 3. Luckily we were used to a Heron a.c which worked beautifully in our Jayco. We went back to Coromal here in SA and they were less than helpful. The most helpful thing they did was told us who they took it to when things went wrong. Just down the road from us was Air Command. We booked it in and on an extremely hot day they fixed it. From that day on it has worked beautifully.

Air Command was really annoyed as they believed they had a good unit. They gave all dealers very detailed instructions about how to fit them. Their comment was that many manufacturers don't follow their. Our air con was out by about 1 cm which meant that the air blew over the temperature regulator and so we didn't achieve the cooling. It continually cut in and out.

We have decided that caravan manufacturers would NEVER be able to meet the regulations for new moor vehicles.

The number of things we have had to have fixed at our expense is an eye opener when compared with new motor vehicles. However that would be a whole new post. We selected Coromal based on their reputation for quality. From our experience it leaves a lot to be desired. Toyota's responses to things leaves Coromal for dead!

Unfortunately it is a case of buyer beware.

Bruce and Di
AnswerID: 398893

Follow Up By: bennyzbit - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 22:16

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 22:16
Thanks Bruce,

I really hadn't wanted to get into my Coromal woes. But on the strength of your comments I will.... small world. We are in Bundaberg Qld.

Ironically our first trip was to SA and that where the ac failed us even after the drip tray repaiirs in 40 degree heat. We called in on the Air Command factory but they had a 10 day wait for attention to drive in problems and Coromal said via our dealer sthat I had to approach a local Coromal dealer first before going off to Air Command unless I wanted to pay for that avenue of fix myself

Our aircon didn't work properly on receipt and cheque handover at our NSW Lismore Coromal dealer. It leaked water all over the kitchen bench once turned off after a short test period. A visit to a refrigeration engineer in Ballina was organised by the dealer.

The refrigeration engineer fixed it in 10 minutes and showed me the reason for the fault. The plastic drain pipe from the drip tray under the condenser had been taken and clamped up above the level of the drip tray before turning and dropping down towards the ground outside. It was always going to flood and would have in WA had it been tested properly.

The ref engineer said if he hadn't seen it he would have believed it but he was still going to bill coromal $95 for the repair which was simply removing the clamp and directing the drain pipe straight down. He also commented that "water must flow uphill in WA"

Since then the aircon has been serviced so many times at my expense that I think they see me as the milking cow to say nothing about the vans multiple busted plumbing events and etc etc.

Sadly we have paid out the $33,000 for the van and we cannot sell it second hand and afford to buy another van of better quality sowe are stuck with the *.*.
FollowupID: 667874

Follow Up By: Member - Bruce T (SA) - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 07:50

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 07:50
Hi Bennyzbit,

We put up with our air con for quite awhile as the dealer couldn't fit us in. In the end we just asked where they had them repaired and who they got in touch with. It was the best bit of straight talking we.

In the end we took our van to Mike Griggs here in SA to have the other issues repaired, cost, but everything now works. They do a great job. We have also had our Kimberley Kamper serviced and repaired by them - again most worthwhile.

We were suggesting to friends the other day we might look at getting a new caravan (what we have is a high tow), but they asked us whether we wanted to go down the repair path again. That made us think as we now have a van that works well. It put us on hold.

Bruce and Di
FollowupID: 667909

Reply By: broome time - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 22:14

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 22:14
My daughters boyfriend bought one of those portable air conditoners, didn't even last 1 month, got a replacement, and that died after another 2 months. He just ditched it, cost him around the $600 mark, 3 years ago. Good luck.
AnswerID: 398904

Reply By: bennyzbit - Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 22:30

Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 22:30
Thanks everybody for your input. As always it has been invaluable and saved me money on an unlikely starter . I had meant the refrigerated models not the old evaporative coolers but from your comments only 1 person ranked them as satisfactory.

I suppose that I will have to have the Heron a/c serviced again and again. There is a refrigeration company in Bundaberg which services Air Command Heron a/c units but only if they are in still under warranty.

Mine isn't (another pay job) but they relented and said they would have a look at it once the hot weather had passed and they stopped working 30 hours a day. The kindly about turn was largely because they had recently fitted an $18,000 ducted system to my new house.

Thanks again
AnswerID: 398909

Reply By: Stuart2010 - Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 14:16

Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 at 14:16
I have a 14.5ft Jayco pop-top. Have recently spent a week (Boxing Day plus) at Sunshine Coast. We put our 1hp Electrolux Portable Air Con ($400) in the van. It did struggle a bit through the day, but we assisted it with a box fan as well. The exhaust pipe went through one of the top windows (fly screen is velcrose, but window is zipper). There was some heat off the exhaust pipe, but I didn't stand around hugging the thing. The condensation tank had to be emptied 3 times per 24 hours. It did make a bit of noise, but I could live with that opposed to the heat and humidity. At night it was excellent. We had a week of showers day and night, so it was of benefit. Yes, it is a bit heavy and awkward to more around it it the van, but we managed. Most of our caravanning is camping and not where there is 240vlt power. While a roof-top airconditioner will be the best option, it is not financially viable to me since we would rarely be able to use it.
AnswerID: 398981

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