Saturday, Jan 23, 2010 at 20:38
Well, downloaded the 100k NSW map suggested above - close to 800 MB, about 6 hours download. Can't complain at the price, but I don't recommend it. Although it's a very detailed topo map, even has a few street names, there are no names for towns or major roads, so it's hard to locate a particular area. I checked an area with which I'm familiar, and I reckon the map is probably about 10-15 years old. Could be pretty misleading if used to navigate bush tracks which may no longer be there.
We met a this problem in WA recently - although relying on the latest 250k map, we'd often come upon a track which clearly hadn't been used for a decade or two and had returned to the bush. Must be very hard for the cartographers to keep up at that level of detail.
John | J and V
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
- Albert Einstein
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