Tuesday, Jan 26, 2010 at 07:46
It was cheaper for us to take or camper trailer over because it was our accommodation, coming back with a normal trailer about 3 foot shorter cost us more because there was no gov subsidy. They asked is it a camper trailer or standard, my wife said "standard" and they said "it will be a bit dearer then."
It does not matter what form it takes, if it is your accommodation then you get the subsidy. Once you go over the length of the car it goes by the metre.
I just rang and got a qoute over the phone and are as follows
Car with camper trailer at 9 metres long $229 + $115 for driver (Gov subsidy included)
Car with standard trailer at 9 metres $412 + $115 for driver (no subsidy)
Car with standard trailer at 7 metres $276 + $115 for the driver(no subsidy)
These were quoted as off peak with no specials ect.. You can get the drivers fare cheaper with